Which makes testing very hard..unless your someone like Cahoon or the like
luckily I pre-tested this problem and found a solution..
email to another member here that I bounce stuff off of.
Played with 28 cannon 3/8ths wide tip vs 28 tsumura 3/8ths and also the 36 cannon wide 3/8ths tip vs 36” tsumura 3/8ths.
Spent a lot of time fcking around with these bars today. I spent some the other day fcking with them as well. Here are my observations…
First I started by doing single cuts in ash. The degree in which I applied pressure and how warm the saw varied. But here are the times.
7pin 28 can = 19.7 sec saw warm natural pressure.
7pin 28 tsu = 20.8 sec saw not warm natural pressure.
7pin 28 tsu = 21.6 sec saw warm but light pressure
7pin 28 can = 24.3 sec saw not warm but light pressure
Basically I was just hoping I could get a clear sense of the differences with out much work. The last cut threw me off. I knew they were close the other day.
Ok so going more scientific now. So thinking light pressure = slow times on the cannon let’s try all max pressure and see what we think. Max pressure = just below what would really bog down the saw.
7pin can – saw warm/ready, MAX pressure. 22.4 22.1
7pin tsu – didn’t do my normal burn cut to get saw warm/ready, max pressure. 21.6 19.1 so first cut slow.
So at this point there is some confusion …but let’s try 8pin.
Tsumura first this time.
8pin tsu – saw warm/ready, MAX Pressure – 19.0, 19.4 so these were back to back from the 7pin max pressure cut. Ok consistency. GOOD. But confusion…I’ve got MAX Pressure on 7pin and 8pin and I’m coming up with same times 19s. Lol moving on
8 pin can – saw warm/ready , MAX Pressure – 19.7 19.1 ok WTF I had max pressure on 7pin and was doing 22 sec cuts. Now I have max pressure with an 8pin and I have 19 sec cuts? You would think the wood was bigger before. But my very very first cut of the day…in this email was a 19.7. 8pin can – continued…I did a 3rd cut with just medium heavy pressure. Basically a little more than natural - 18.3 sec. LOL