The Peanut Gallery
I'm not taking any sides here, but from mat's posts in the past, this whole situation is exactly what I would expect.
I'm not taking any sides here, but from mat's posts in the past, this whole situation is exactly what I would expect.
Who? I already ended it. Even left the seller positive feedback, while holding my nose the whole time. It might not end well for the saw though. They're repaving a section of road nearby
The saw looked pretty decent from the ebay add, so I think it can be made a good runner with some minor works. Rering the piston, clean up the cylinder if necessary (I doubt it) and that saw will run plenty. The oiler is a typical husky problem that can be repaired easily ; I'd gladly taken the Fish offer if I were you.
It appears to me that you were expecting too much of a 15 y old saw, but nothing dramatic happened so far, unless ....the cylinder is shot.
Ebay is always a risk, remember that before you hit the bid button !
Fish you are on to something for sure, take it to the people, have a jury of peers decide who is in the wrong and what if anything they should recieve in compensation, have the 2 parties present their case, have only 1 day of debate between peers, and take a poll, then if the loosing party dosnt follow the agreement, he/she is punished somehow, banning, public shunning, ect...
Sorry guyd but i have an ebay saw gripe to get off my chest! Week before last i sell a 262 on ebay. Guy that wins is zero feedback, i wasw kinda worried then. It ended on a friday night. I advertised that it would ship the following monday or tuesday. Well, my dad became ill saturday and was in a hospital all week, so i knew i wouldn't get the saw shipped by tuesday. So, i sent the guy a message describing my situation, and he agreed that a shipment later in the week would be fine, as long as he had a tracking number by friday. I got it shipped and got him a number on wednesday. usps. So he files a non received item dispute against me only 4-5 business days later. Everything is still calm, I tell him that there has been a lot of flooding and it may take longer. He ends up getting the saw in 6 business days, but won't drop the dispute, says he wants to check it out further. I told him to drop it because he was using a non recieved item case to hold me off, and paypal was holding my funds. So, he held me until today and i finally escalated the dispute to a claim. I told paypal i wanted him off my back, he was just wanting something for nothing. Now he changed it to a "item significantly not as described" claim. Says compression tested 95lbs at a dealer and it needs a new handle assembly and wants at least a 150 dollar refund. But, i stated the saw had dents and dings in the listing, but nothing affected performance. And that compression felt good, but i didn't have a guage so i couldn't provide a number. And that it ran well, which it did, and all i stated was true, and i added as-is to my auction. I don't know if it matters or not. Anyways, anybody got any ideas about what i should do? Finallly, the guy griped about the price, and it was his only bid. 335 dollars! Said it was too much to pay for a 15 year old saw. Below is the item number. I just hope paypal is sensible on this. So, tell me what you think please.
Item # 280394317897
If you told me that the saw you wher selling me felt like it had good compression & i tested it to onpy 95psi,
I would be pissed too, sounds like you smurfed him honestly especially for over 300 dollars...
125 is still rather low...
According to this crowd it is....
Your lawyer should have advised you against making that public though.
Does the saw run and cut OK?
=What is your opinion of low?
A person that parts out new saws on e-bay.......
1. Wise people don't go buying 2nd hand chainsaws off the net expecting the saw to be perfect.
2. The buyer shouldn't be expected to sit and wait 2 weeks to receive their purchase. Should be shipped within a day it's been paid for, no excuses.
3. Straight away there's gonna be a conflict.
4. Wise people should expect to pay some extra dosh to bring their purchase up to scratch if they're not mechanically-minded themselves. A do-it-yourselfer will slam a new ring(s) into a lowish comp saw and have it running like new within an hour.
5. What's a brand-new husky ring worth? 20 bucks?
6. A running 262 for 300 bucks... bargain..