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Dayumm Fast it died quick, like you I waiting to see some action,LOLOLOL
:check: :sword:.........

Dayumm Fast it died quick, like you I waiting to see some action,LOLOLOL
:check: :sword:.........![]()
Shoot Fast I'm going back over to those 5100 cylinder burning threads, this thread is boring, ya coming, lets go,hahahaha
Be right der.....buddy!....You got duh beer?![]()
Dayumm it now I gotta stop by the store on the way over and get your booze, man your a pita, LOLOL
Having been in the automotive world, I have seen rings made in one location, shipped to another location for chrome plating, then shipped to another location for machine work, then shipped back to the original location for packaging.
I have also seen the exact same product made in two different countries. We had tooling to make a product here in the US and they had the same tooling in Mexico as well. We were shipping identical product from two different countries to the same customer.
There maybe a possibility that these cylinders are made in several locations, thus different people in charge of quality, and different inspectors. What may fly in Mexico, might have hit the scrap bin in the US or vise versa.
As more and more companies are leaving for parts unknown to get cheaper labor, less EPA involvement, etc., the decline in quality has become apparent.
O yea Stihl NEVER took action against the impoters from these fake products out of China..... Does that tells you something??
I've seen Stihl was llosing ground here on two models very popular for over 40 years,yes 40 years... the Stihl 051 & 070 dispite the fact that they weigh close to 30 Lbs and vibrates as a rough running diesel engine without vibration dampers Stilh had their factory for many years in Brazil for those two models and some others as the 038 which is your 380.Because these engines were not aloud to sell in the USA & all over Europe( 051 & 070). The Chinese started making exactly the same machines in the same Stihl colors yes with the Stilh name on it dealer priced at US $ 236 F.O.B Chang HAI. A whole lot of these junk engines were imported into the country with all kinds of problems just as the Brazilian Stihl. Somehow they start making these engines again in Germany for the South American market. These engines now have a lable on it saying "MADE IN GERMANY"
Smart move from Stihl ????
O yea Stihl NEVER took action against the impoters from these fake products out of China..... Does that tells you something??[/QUOTE]
Tells me and everyone else you don't know what your talking about. Maybe this will help you.
Now how did the justice minister in Germany know about those fake Stihls, ya think maybe Stihl reported them, duhhhh.
I've seen Stihl was llosing ground here on two models very popular for over 40 years,yes 40 years... the Stihl 051 & 070 dispite the fact that they weigh close to 30 Lbs and vibrates as a rough running diesel engine without vibration dampers Stilh had their factory for many years in Brazil for those two models and some others as the 038 which is your 380.Because these engines were not aloud to sell in the USA & all over Europe( 051 & 070). The Chinese started making exactly the same machines in the same Stihl colors yes with the Stilh name on it dealer priced at US $ 236 F.O.B Chang HAI. A whole lot of these junk engines were imported into the country with all kinds of problems just as the Brazilian Stihl. Somehow they start making these engines again in Germany for the South American market. These engines now have a lable on it saying "MADE IN GERMANY"
Smart move from Stihl ????
O yea Stihl NEVER took action against the impoters from these fake products out of China..... Does that tells you something??[/QUOTE]
Tells me and everyone else you don't know what your talking about. Maybe this will help you.
Now how did the justice minister in Germany know about those fake Stihls, ya think maybe Stihl reported them, duhhhh.
just verify this before stating that I don't know what I'm talking about...
just verify this before stating that I don't know what I'm talking about...
just verify this before stating that I don't know what I'm talking about...
Thall did verify this by including the link with this key paragraph.
"For instance, in Germany, Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries told me that intellectual property enforcement is a high priority of her office. As you may know, manufacturing remains a crucial part of Germany's economy, and the sector has been hard hit by counterfeiting. She cited the dramatic example of chainsaws manufactured by Stihl, a company based in Germany, that's facing a problem with counterfeit spare parts. I realize this example is at the other end of the technological spectrum from the products many of your companies produce, but think for a minute about the threat to health and safety - literally life and limb -- posed by an inferior knock-off chainsaw guard or chain."
just verify this before stating that I don't know what I'm talking about...
No no, you verify it, you made the claim, now prove it. Fact is your assuming they did nothing when in fact you don't have a clue as to what they really did, how would you, do you work in Stihl's legal department, I didn't think so.
Did you by chance read all the notices all the dealers got about the fake TS400 saw from guess who, Stihl. Have you been sitting in all the Stihl dealer meetings when they told us all to be on the look out for fake Stihls, if you was I didn't see you,LOL
Thall did verify this by including the link with this key paragraph.
"For instance, in Germany, Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries told me that intellectual property enforcement is a high priority of her office. As you may know, manufacturing remains a crucial part of Germany's economy, and the sector has been hard hit by counterfeiting. She cited the dramatic example of chainsaws manufactured by Stihl, a company based in Germany, that's facing a problem with counterfeit spare parts. I realize this example is at the other end of the technological spectrum from the products many of your companies produce, but think for a minute about the threat to health and safety - literally life and limb -- posed by an inferior knock-off chainsaw guard or chain."
Yes that was my point in the whole thing, justice officials have been notified of these counterfieters. Stihl would have had to be the ones to notify them for who else would give a dayummm about counterfiet Stihls except Stihl.
Legal action or corporate action like this?
Good work Ed, we were shown that a long time ago, in fact back in 2006 I think. They have been keeping us well aware about fakes for quiet sometime. Where DolSol is getting his info from other than his imagination is beyond me...
Well...maybe Stihl doesn't send the updates to Suriname, or maybe they don't translate well into Dutch.
Probably a lot of bent 180 rods down there as a result.
Is that where Brad unloaded that 180, man that low life,LOLOLOLOL
You're just mad 'cause he thought of it first.