LOL, I bet he'll answer that,hahaha
I was in HD today. I sawed up a tree this morning and took the money over to HD and bought me a small mig welder. Figure it might come in handy for toying around with muffler mods. Old guy working the tool department was going over the welder with me and I told him I would be using it to weld up mufflers on chainsaws. He goes you mean modify. I go yeah. To my surrize the old guy knew his saws pretty good. He goes you are going to leave the muffler screen in and re-adjust the carb right?, I go oh yeah, he goes good. He goes the best mod is a sharp chain. I go true but its fun to toying around with them. He goes well yeah. I go whats ya favorite saw. He goes Echo. I go really. He said yes. He goes they hold up well. I go have ya tried a Stihl, he goes oh yes, but I still like my Echo's, especailly the older ones, they will outcut Stihls. I go ok. I go how bout Husky. Had those too he said, don't last, don't want anymore of those dayumm things. I'm thinking dayummmm. This old guy was short with words but to the point on what he thought. I liked him, I think he may be my pappy,LOL