Appropriate steps to detur firewood thieves

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I agree that you have to get it stopped or it will lead to bigger problems.
I've been through it, trying to minalmize the disappearance of some smaller things around the farm, (by neighbor's kids) only to come home to my wife Honda scooter laying in the road totally trashed, the kid had hit a stump with the engine and basically tore out the whole bottom, of course they didn't know a damn thing about it, although little Johnny's arms were skinned all to hell where he went over the handle bars. The damn scooter was almost 2000.00 a total loss. We immediately put up video camera's that record to a hard drive, motion lights and no tresspassing signs on the drive way gate.
Told the neighbor that I prolly would never know who did it, but the next time anyone was caught on the place unauthorized their azz was going to jail if they were still alive. Told him I didn't want him or his kids fishing on the place anymore, the actions of one ruined it for all. We really haven't spoke much since, his punk azz kid actually had the nerve to come by a couple years later and ask if I had any farm work to help him get by, told him nope, none that paid until the 2000.00 was worked off for the scooter. He immediately got in his rice rocket and left.
I'd just go over and knock on the door and ask the sorry sob if they took the wood, that you had some missing. If they say yes, tell them it's not there to take for free. Tell them it is 2.00 a stick, or a ride in a cop car if it keeps happening. I wouldn't beat around the bush with the azzhole, you don't need friends that will steal off you. Tell him you know have camera survelliance on the pile to aid in prosecution. Take you equipment out of the pond and fill the damn mosquito hole in. They will get the message.
WELL DAM IT, IT AINT OKAY!!! they could have the same pile of firewood you got or the same amnount of money in their acct. as a wealthly man if they got off their AZZ, took a little bit of initiative and worked. Instead of redistribution of wealth, your redistributing your firewood.

this government and peoples mentality makes me sick. utterly sick!

We'll you've got this couple nailed to a "t". Their creed is "less work, more party". I'm now fearing more "borrowing" problems because it appears he has just lost another job. He works in assisted living care administering drugs to older folk, a job that requires drug testing....yet he likes his pot. I actually heard him make the comment that they (his employer) won't fire him for failed drug tests because he's "so good" ..

I should mention this guy is over 40. Some people never grow up..
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I'd just go over and knock on the door and ask the sorry sob if they took the wood, that you had some missing. If they say yes, tell them it's not there to take for free. Tell them it is 2.00 a stick, or a ride in a cop car if it keeps happening. I wouldn't beat around the bush with the azzhole, you don't need friends that will steal off you. Tell him you know have camera survelliance on the pile to aid in prosecution. Take you equipment out of the pond and fill the damn mosquito hole in. They will get the message.

Some may find this a hard line, but I find myself agreeing with the approach, especially considering the description of these neighbors and their habits.

There's so much pressure these days to "get along by going along," and I have always been a live and let live kinda guy. But I bet it's going to get worse and worse, and the time to take care of it is right now, before they help themselves to more wood or start taking the bigger things. Once they get it established in their heads that you aren't going to do anything about it, it'll escalate, and the longer you let them get away with it, the more responsibility you share.

Just IMO.
Ely, you nailed it. I'm prolly older than the average guy on here, getting close to 50, I've tried many approaches over the years, a couple of times the softer approach has worked, but most of the time it has come back to bit me in the hiney. With the description of the neighbors, it's no great loss, hell, I know why he likes the pond now, he gets toked up and like to hear the babbling water. Been around a few of those boys in my life, they never grow up. I wouldn't waste time or much money on dealing with the terds. It sounds like its just the beginning of can I use this, can I borrow that, I've lost my job, do you have any wood I can have, your invited to the party, can I use your chainsaw, might as well just deal with it and save yourself a bunch of prolonged grief.
Wouldn't it be fun to drill out a block or two and load em up with a little stuff that goes bang and plug it with a wooden dowel. LOL not a good idea.

I guess a note saying

You know I would be happy to help you out with cutting fire wood if you would'nt mind giving me a hand with the splitting.

Win Win.
It sounds like its just the beginning of can I use this, can I borrow that, I've lost my job, do you have any wood I can have, your invited to the party, can I use your chainsaw, might as well just deal with it and save yourself a bunch of prolonged grief.

Been there, done that with the borrowing of tools. Not once did he return anything without being asked for it back. The record was a scroll saw that he had for 2 years, it was not a great one but as long as he had it I remembered not to borrow anything else. I did finally ask for it back and now have a no borrow policy. Found out later from his sister's husband that he pulls that sh## with everyone and basically assumes the borrowed item to be his once in his possession.
Even someone whos is trespassing is still under your care of protection, and anything that could hurt them wile on your land is your responsibility. If they fell in a old mine shaft, was to step in a bear trap or a limb falls on them while there.,or some other ****y trap
Falls under a duty of care, and they can bring a claim against you for it.
We are covering this in my law class right now. just a FYI because I hate thieves and trespassers myself

the great thing about law here in Ontario Canada under the Trespass to property act; if somebody enters your property uninvited and is not paying you to use the property than you as the property owner are not liable.
Firewood thieves are some of the hardest crooks to stop.For some reason,folks who wouldnt steal otherwise think its okay to boost a few sticks from a woodpile.Their reasoning seems to go along the lines of

1.Its just wood for crying out loud!
2.You have so much piled up, whats the big deal about an armload?
3.You got it for free right?How can you call it stealing when you got it for free?
4.blah blah blah

I myself have fallen victim to firewood thieves, once even had a bunch disapear out of the back of my truck in broad daylight when I ran in to get a couple pairs of gloves before making a delivery.

If you dont want to piss the neighbors off with bright lights, consider using a motion sensing light.I installed motion sensing lights on each corner of my shop as well as a chain across the driveway that leads back behind my shop to my woodpiles.The greatest feeling of satisfaction was noticing strange tire tracks coming down the driveway and a whole bunch of white paint all along the chain where they backed into it in the middle of the night.I bet it put a nice dent in the tailgate of their truck.
I would start with the motion sensing light,then move on to a game camera if it happens again.I hate spending money just to stop a thief,so I escalated my loses slowly until I reached the level that put a stop to the theft.

I would also mention the problem to the neighbor in casual conversation, if they realize that you know wood is missing they might be less likely to walk off with any more.

I've got a slightly different problem, perhaps some of you older/wiser (50 is old enough) gents could help me.

I ran out of wood last year, and started taking from my neighbors wood piles. After a few weeks they started installing motion sensor lights, infrared cameras, and doing all kinds of nasty things to their wood. Obviously I was found out. Here's my question - how can I steal their wood without them knowing? :):):)
What about bore a hole stuff with smoke pellets(used in UK for testing chimney's , don't know about USA ) and seal up
They make a damn well lota dense smoke and you would know for sure, also no explosion and no come back
I've got a slightly different problem, perhaps some of you older/wiser (50 is old enough) gents could help me.

I ran out of wood last year, and started taking from my neighbors wood piles. After a few weeks they started installing motion sensor lights, infrared cameras, and doing all kinds of nasty things to their wood. Obviously I was found out. Here's my question - how can I steal their wood without them knowing? :):):)

Although Im not fifty yet,just feel that way in the morning, here is my advise.

Spend more time cutting wood and less time painting jail cells pink.:)
Although Im not fifty yet,just feel that way in the morning, here is my advise.
Spend more time cutting wood and less time painting jail cells pink.:)

No, don't call it advice - call it a command. That way I have to tell my wife that I MUST go out and cut more wood - I don't have a choice.

You know, our avatar pics look rather similar. Hadn't noticed that before. I never knew I looked like Bill the Cat.
Wouldn't it be fun to drill out a block or two and load em up with a little stuff that goes bang and plug it with a wooden dowel.

Was reading all through this thread and wondered if anyone else had thought of this. I'm old enough that I was around when we used a powder wedge on wood to split long cuts and put them in a wood shock. Those long cuts were used to fire flu cured tobacco on up until the early 60's. If we needed stove wood we'd use the saw on the tractor with the belt to the PTO gear box to cut stove length wood. Back in those days if you had stove wood missing the going thing was to drill out some pieces and pack with black powder that we used in the wedges. Just scatter them out along the top of the wood pile so one would be taken. Then in a few days you'd hear of a flu pipe being blown off a stove. Once the word got out you didn't have any problems with wood being stolen then. Those were the days.:cheers:
I tell all my neighbors that the wood is free, as much as they want, just let me know and I will tell them where to gather it from. In the end, it's just firewood. What did it cost but a little of my time. I get back twice as much in neighborly gestures as I give away. If the neighbor is having a fire pit, they invite me over, lots of food and beer. It cost way more than the wheelbarrow or pickup truck of wood I gave them.
It's the stealing that I don't like, I'm sure that's your point. If you were to approach them and mention that you have wood available if they need it for the fire pit, it would put them in an awkward positions if they indeed stole it. You can bet they wouldn't't steal it again, they would ask instead. If they didn't't steal it, you're being a good neighbor.
I tell all my neighbors that the wood is free, as much as they want, just let me know and I will tell them where to gather it from. In the end, it's just firewood. What did it cost but a little of my time. I get back twice as much in neighborly gestures as I give away. If the neighbor is having a fire pit, they invite me over, lots of food and beer. It cost way more than the wheelbarrow or pickup truck of wood I gave them.
It's the stealing that I don't like, I'm sure that's your point. If you were to approach them and mention that you have wood available if they need it for the fire pit, it would put them in an awkward positions if they indeed stole it. You can bet they wouldn't't steal it again, they would ask instead. If they didn't't steal it, you're being a good neighbor.

I've given these freeloaders plenty of free wood, lots of it with no help getting or processing it. I would of given them more if they had the decency to ask first. That way I could give them dry wood suitable for firepit use. Instead they sneak over and load up a yard cart full after they saw us leave on a bikeride. They ended up with fresh cut green ash and black walnut which I'm sure burned like sh##.... course they build fires so big anything will burn. Its almost been a week, and seen them outside several times (lots of opportunites to fess up) instead the've consistantly ignored us.
I'm done with these turds and plan a hard line approach with a bright security light, plan a fence, and move some of the wood so they would have to come further onto our property to get it.

Today I also noticed a couple more spots where they grabbed some splits. How do I know they took it? there is two splits left on their deck and sure I recognize it.
I wasnt going to say anything......:)


Quite horseing around and go cut wood!

Yes sir! Right away! Well, I just showered and put on the slippers for the evening, so I'll get to it first thing Mon....uh,...better make it T-- no, that won't work..... Wednesday's full, as is Thursday and Friday - hmmm, maybe Friday. Oh, wait - today is Friday - I've still got tomorrow! Tomorrow's the day!

Only problem now, is that I don't have anything to cut. I got dibs on a beautiful walnut tree that blew down last Spring, but the owner's trying to sell it for lumber, and failing that, he'll let me have it. My normal place is too muddy to even get close to.
Hmm. Got a few pieces out back I could cut into proper rounds. I guess hat'll have to do.
What you need to do is knock on their door, grab a handfull of shirt, and start crying like someone took your crayons away. They will get so embarrassed by your fruity, and by fruity I mean light in the loafers, outburst of raw girly emotion, that they will never steal from you again. This has not worked for me yet, but most of my neighbors think my wife is a cover-up.

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