If ya don't want to kill em, A good ole 12 gauge of any make with rock salt loaded shells works really nice.
At least you know who was takin the wood now, Kinda stinks they don't ask or tell you. Sounds like you need a fenced in yard. Fences make good neighbors.
damn straight,skippy---no wonder they took your wood, look at all that free fire wood you got stacked in yourback yard:hmm3grin2orange: just kidding!
thats the problem with the US and our government. People see others with extra whether it be money or firewood and think its okay to take cuz in their mind "they got plenty"
WELL DAM IT, IT AINT OKAY!!! they could have the same pile of firewood you got or the same amnount of money in their acct. as a wealthly man if they got off their AZZ, took a little bit of initiative and worked. Instead of redistribution of wealth, your redistributing your firewood.
this government and peoples mentality makes me sick. utterly sick!
okay im off my soapbox now![]()
I did bring the fence idea up, saying I need more firewood storage and would stack along my side of the fence.. lots of benefits, don't have to look at their crap pile, much harder for them to get to the wood, don't have to look at them when they're acting like drunken idiots (not acting- they are).... the list goes on..
Man! This is some argument over petty instances...
This goes to show that you only get bees with honey. Since you puffed up your chest and installed the light you pissed off the neighbors and now he is puffing up his chest to assert his power. Come on get over it!
Sorry for the rant......
yea I know your pissed about the wood, but your going to waste alot of energy on anger. theyre your neighbors and you have to look at them.
you two just need to get together and talk it out. in the end youll both be happier
build a fence, get all the wood on your property and out of the alley and move on., but turn the damn light off. you know who took the wood and you keep iton for spite. now theyve spited you.
I know your neighbor is a freeloader, but having a bright light shining on his property sucks. esp when you know they enjoy hanging out there on weekends...
Im all for a beer and bonfire!! and having a light shine on your bonfire area or anywhere around it sucks
So should I still be neighborly - go over and admit the light was a mistake and we should mend our ways?
Good point and we have gotten over issues with other neighbors and are on good terms. This particular neighbor however we have a bit of history as explained in a previous post.
Lets see- put in a shared pond on the property line. Since then they don't do jack for maintaining or paying for replacement equipment. 85% of install costs covered by me.
Given them tons of good stuff to help them out, nice washer, digital cameral, bed, etc.
Replace engine in their Saturn. Donated all my time, equipment, shop etc.
Replaced door on their Cirrus - no cost to them, I even covered the door.
Replace head gaskets on their 3.8 Taurus (16 hr job) - agreed that parts would be covered by them, and I would receive part of sale price when sold- It was sold and I never saw a cent except for parts. Car was junkyard bound before I repaired it.
In the past given them plenty of firewood- all my equipment, sometimes he helped load the rounds into the truck.
Several times when they've had guests they have piled there garbage/recycling up against my garage to hide it from their guests- never asking permission - only to mention it afterwords - laughing it off.
Borrowed lots of tools, only to never have them returned until I ask for them back - record was a power tool he had for 2 years.
So should I still be neighborly - go over and admit the light was a mistake and we should mend our ways?
I read an awesome article a few months back about welding for a friend and I think it is bang on for this kind of work you describe:
I read that article and disagree..... Ive had skilled carpenters do stuff for free for me and I never hesitate to help someone else for free. what comes around goes around..
esp if theyre my buddy.