x's 1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some scum wont change--
You got that right!
So the neighbors wife (who works for the city) has been whining to all her coworkers, gets the city to write a letter (to us both actually) explaining the possible vacated alley issue. But then the letter goes on to say parking and driving on grass is prohibited, and if I or other neighbors are driving on paths (vacated alley ways) off of the main street in front of the propertys, that they may need to be paved. It then goes on to day that aerial imagery indicates that this might be a concern on our properties- citing an area that is north of both our properties
Then the letter goes on to state city lighting regulations, saying my lighting can only read 1/2 foot candle at the lot lines..
Last statement advises us both as neighbors to work together to resolve any issues.
So this morning I was over at two other neighbors helping them clean up a fallen box elder, and the troublemakers wife came out and finally starting cleaning up some moldy, rain soaked carpets that I've had to look at and smell for the last 4 months. I finished with the fallen box elder and was walking thru the very alley they've blocked off with chain&sign, I bumped into it and caused the chain to rattle a bit... well this just set her off and she laid into me about "growing up". I responded that the chain had no business being there.
She then said why can I block the alley to the south with firewood - well I said first the neighbor to the south blocked it with a fence, so what difference does it make if I stacked wood along that fence? (neighbor to the south is ok with it). Then she picks another topic to ##### about- the fact that I went behind their property, behind the alley,behind the quarrys fence, into the quarry and cleaned up a old dumping ground- This was a two day job and I thought I was doing everyone a favor. Well their miffed because I didn't clear it with them first. I mentioned it's not their property, she mentioned its not mine. Again all I did was clean up a lot of trash that people (including them) have illegally dumped for years. Every other neighbor is ok, but these ying-yangs have a big problem. The last words out of her mouth was "all this over a couple lousy sticks of firewood"