Now SAP, I have seen you have been trying, and I greatly appreciate that, I reallly honestly do!!!! I know you have been catching a lot of flack from others, I am in the middle of the road on that, I try to be easy to get along with, but you have very much stired the pot, fair enough? It may take some time. When someone is trying to antagonize you, be the better man, walk away. that will prove you're worth more than anything you can say!!!! I am by no means being mean or judmental, I can't for any reason think you can be all that bad, I just think it's time to stop and look at the all the stupidity that has gone on, from all sides mind you, and learn from each other, Thats all this web site is for Christ sake, a knowledge base, let us all utilize it to the fullest extint, and have some fun!!!