beating a dead horse 441 vs ????

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If one would fell for all the "up writing" of saws on this site I don't think anyone would be happy with the performance of a new saw,,,,,,,,,,
I have a 460 and a 440

Thanks to the 441 parts such as brake bands no loner interchange, good on ya Stihl!
So they may be woods ported. Doesn't mean the design has changed.
same bearings. crank, and piston.

Some people think a woods ported saw don't last as long, Some people do.
I say the 575 is as well built as the 372.

Ya see Stihl took the 440 away so you have to buy the 441.
I undersand that some will dispuit that and say it's because of the epa and credits. But I don't think thats not the whole story.
I think Stihl just wants there Customers to get over the 440 and get on with the 441.

The Husky guys still have a choice and as long as the 372 can be bought over the 575. The 372 will be.
Husky upgraded the bearing problem, And there realy is no problem with the 575. But..........

Now that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You think the only reason the 441 was introduced was to get their customers away from the 440? WTF? Why would they take away such a solid preformer that has been that way for years?

If the 441 takes on the "rep" that the 440 had then Stihl has done well with a cleaner saw. Now give us the whole story manny....:clap: :clap:

Read what I wrote and think about it.
I never said Stihl Made the 441 to get there customers away from the 440.

I told ya why Stihl does not sell the 440 anymore.

If Stihl would sell the 440 next to the 441.
Less 441's would be sold.
It’s a chilly October evening, but inside the stadium, a capacity crowd is warmed by the camaraderie of their fellow Stihl Brethren. This is it. RFK stadium. The end of the line for the old girl. The old stadium has never looked so good before. So alive. Outside, vendors hawked their wares. PPE, chains and bars. The sweet smell of Ultra wafted through the air. An impromptu swap meet was in progress on the west side of the stadium. Hoss and a few others had some Homies and Macs, and a couple of big Dolmars were spotted. Other than that, 100% Stihl baby. Not a Husky or Johnny in sight. There were dozens of huge banners, all with the same message: “440, The Legend; 441, a New Legend is Born”. Nirvana.

Inside, the buzz was reaching epic proportions and as the lights dimmed, it was a cremesicle frenzy. The crowd turned its solemn attention to the stage, where Joat, the MC, stepped up to the mic.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to StihlFest 2007”. The crowd roared with approval. Andy, Mow and Hoss were front and center. Belgium and Niko were next to them, representing the European Stihl Brethren. All the usual suspects from AS. Then, Joat held up his hands as he picked up the mic again, and another hush fell over the crowd.

“Let’s have a moment of silence and direct out thoughts and prayers to Witchy”. Not a soul in the place, about 42,500 of them, didn’t know the story of their beloved Witchy, the Queen of AS. A silence fell oven the humbled masses, each directing their private thoughts, petitions and prayers in their own unique way. Then, Joat strode to the mic.

“Father, please hear our prayers, Amen”. Joat waited a few moments for the people to get ready for the events to unfold. Then, Joat pulled a rabbit out of the hat, “And now, please welcome my old friend, Joe Walsh”

Joe and the band hustled on stage as the crowd howled with approval. A familiar tune filled the air, and then Joe grabbed the mic from Joat.

I have many saws,
Forget the price,
Ain't never run them all,
But they’re awful nice,

I live in Leesburg,
I work on saws,
I have accountants,
Pay for it all,

They say I'm crazy but I have a good time,
I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime,
Life's been good to me so far,

My new 660,
Cuts in one eighty-five,
I took a video,
So you know I’ve not lied,

I have a Husky,
Rides in the back,
I lock the doors,
In case I'm attacked,

I'm make sales records,
My customers can't wait,
They post on AS,
Tell me I'm great,

So I got me an office,
I hang bars on the wall,
Just post me a message,
Maybe I'll call,

Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through,
(Everybody sing) I'm cool (He's cool),
I can't complain but sometimes I still do,
Life's been good to me so far,

Watch Demi videos,
Sometimes until four,
It's hard to leave,
When you're watching Miss Moore,

It's tough to handle,
This fortune and fame,
Everybody's so different,
I haven't changed,

They say I'm crazy but it takes all my time,
(Everybody sing) Oh yeah (Oh yeah),
I keep on going guess I'll never know why,
Life's been good to me so far baby,
inside the Stihl Cafe.

The roar is deafening. The anticipation suddenly takes center stage. Joat goes to side stage and comes back with, yep, Mr. Tommie Hall and Demi. Tommie is so dapper in his black tux, and Demi’s red dress sucks the collective breath from the assembled throng. Joat notices a small coffee stain on Tommie’s heavily starched shirt, but other than Demi, no one else seems to notice. Demi gestures for Tommie to take the mic from Joat, and as he does, he casually strolls to center stage, soaking in the experience like a coral sponge. Tommie reaches into his pocket to pull out the speech that Joat has prepared for him. He know it’s bound to be a dozy. Horror of horrors. Tommie suddenly remembers Demi telling him to pull his speech from his pocket and place it in a less conspicuous place. Tommie remembers taking it out, and then, those lips were pulsing, begging to be kissed, and the speech fell to the floor, never to be though of again. Tommie shifted nervously and as he shifted, well then it happened. The remote from his DemiVision™ fell to the floor and awakened him.

That day, the folks at Perry’s were amazed as Tommie hummed and sang “Life’s Been Good” all day instead of his usual Elvis fare. Oh, and the coffee stain was there. Yes sir, that’s were dreams and reality meet.
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If Stihl would sell the 440 next to the 441.
Less 441's would be sold.

That would be a toss up kind of. You will have the older guys that know what the 440 is/was. Then the new guys will look at the 441 and say "I'll try that". Which ever way they go, it will not be a bad move.

Two damn good saws that have made it to the top of the 70cc class. Everyone knows but few will admit;)
It’s a chilly October evening, but inside the stadium, a capacity crowd is warmed by the camaraderie of their fellow Stihl Brethren. This is it. RFK stadium. The end of the line for the old girl. The old stadium has never looked so good before. So alive. Outside, vendors hawked their wares. PPE, chains and bars. The sweet smell of Ultra wafted through the air. An impromptu swap meet was in progress on the west side of the stadium. Hoss and a few others had some Homies and Macs, and a couple of big Dolmars were spotted. Other than that, 100% Stihl baby. Not a Husky or Johnny in sight. There were dozens of huge banners, all with the same message: “440, The Legend; 441, a New Legend is Born”. Nirvana.

Inside, the buzz was reaching epic proportions and as the lights dimmed, it was a cremesicle frenzy. The crowd turned its solemn attention to the stage, where Joat, the MC, stepped up to the mic.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to StihlFest 2007”. The crowd roared with approval. There was Mow and Hoss in the front row. Belgium and Niko were there, representing the European Stihl Brethren. All the usual suspects from AS. Then, Joat help up his hands as he picked up the mic again, and another hush fell over the crowd.

“Let’s have a moment of silence and direct out thoughts and prayers to Witchy”. Not a soul in the place, about 42,500 of them, didn’t know the story of their beloved Witchy, the Queen of AS. A silence fell oven the humbled masses, each directing their private thoughts, petitions and prayers in their own unique way. Then, Joat strode to the mic.

“Father, please hear our prayers, Amen”. Joat waited a few moments for the people to get ready for the events to unfold. Then, Joat pulled a rabbit out of the hat, “And now, please welcome my old friend, Joe Walsh”

Joe and the band hustled on stage as the crowd howled with approval. A familiar tune filled the air, and then Joe grabbed the mic from Joat.

I have many saws,
Forget the price,
Ain't never run them all,
But they’re awful nice,

I live in Leesburg,
I work on saws,
I have accountants,
Pay for it all,

They say I'm crazy but I have a good time,
I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime,
Life's been good to me so far,

My new 660,
Cuts in one eighty-five,
I took a video,
So you know I’ve not lied,

I have a Husky,
Rides in the back,
I lock the doors,
In case I'm attacked,

I'm make sales records,
My customers can't wait,
They post on AS,
Tell me I'm great,

So I got me an office,
I hang bars on the wall,
Just post me a message,
Maybe I'll call,

Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through,
(Everybody sing) I'm cool (He's cool),
I can't complain but sometimes I still do,
Life's been good to me so far,

Watch Demi videos,
Sometimes until four,
It's hard to leave,
When you want to see more,

It's tough to handle,
This fortune and fame,
Everybody's so different,
I haven't changed,

They say I'm crazy but it takes all my time,
(Everybody sing) Oh yeah (Oh yeah),
I keep on going guess I'll never know why,
Life's been good to me so far baby,
inside the Stihl Cafe.

The roar is deafening. The anticipation suddenly takes center stage. Joat goes to side stage and comes back with, yep, Mr. Tommie Hall and Demi. Tommie is so dapper in his black tux, and Demi’s red dress sucks the collective breath from the assembled throng. Joat notices a small coffee stain on Tommie’s heavily starched shirt, but other than Demi, no on else seems to notice. Demi gestures for Tommie to take the mic from Joat, and as he does, he casually strolls to center stage, soaking in the experience like a coral sponge. Tommie reaches into his pocket to pull out the speech that Joat has prepared for him. He know it’s bound to be a dozy. Horror of horrors. Tommie suddenly remembers Demi telling him to pull his speech from his pocket and place it in a less conspicuous place. Tommie remembers taking it out, and then, those lips were pulsing, begging to be kissed, and the speech fell to the floor, never to be though of again. Tommie shifted nervously and as he shifted, well then it happened. The remote from his DemiVision™ fell to the floor and awakened him.

That day, the folks at Perry’s were amazed as Tommie hummed and sang “Life’s Been Good” all day instead of his usual Elvis fare. Oh, and the coffee stain was there. Yes sir, that’s were dreams and reality meet.

Not bad Joat, stick with poems:clap: :clap: :cheers:
If one would fell for all the "up writing" of saws on this site I don't think anyone would be happy with the performance of a new saw,,,,,,,,,,
Good point...I think likewise there is a lot of "down writing" of saws that push people away from them, eventhough they would be plenty adequate for their needs.
That would be a toss up kind of. You will have the older guys that know what the 372 is/was. Then the new guys will look at the 575 and say "I'll try that". Which ever way they go, it will not be a bad move.

Two damn good saws that have made it to the top of the 70cc class. Everyone knows but few will admit;)

Hmm. Still no answer to the altitude question. I thought this site was a place to get information.
I suppose that the old rule applies:
If you can't dazzle em with brilliance,
Baffel em with Bull Shat.:dizzy: :dizzy:

Hmm. Still no answer to the altitude question. I thought this site was a place to get information.
I suppose that the old rule applies:
If you can't dazzle em with brilliance,
Baffel em with Bull Shat.:dizzy: :dizzy:


Red you know the 2 places that would be able to get you that answer. :rock:
It’s a chilly October evening, but inside the stadium, a capacity crowd is warmed by the camaraderie of their fellow Stihl Brethren. This is it. RFK stadium. The end of the line for the old girl. The old stadium has never looked so good before. So alive. Outside, vendors hawked their wares. PPE, chains and bars. The sweet smell of Ultra wafted through the air. An impromptu swap meet was in progress on the west side of the stadium. Hoss and a few others had some Homies and Macs, and a couple of big Dolmars were spotted. Other than that, 100% Stihl baby. Not a Husky or Johnny in sight. There were dozens of huge banners, all with the same message: “440, The Legend; 441, a New Legend is Born”. Nirvana.

Inside, the buzz was reaching epic proportions and as the lights dimmed, it was a cremesicle frenzy. The crowd turned its solemn attention to the stage, where Joat, the MC, stepped up to the mic.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to StihlFest 2007”. The crowd roared with approval. Andy, Mow and Hoss were front and center. Belgium and Niko were next to them, representing the European Stihl Brethren. All the usual suspects from AS. Then, Joat held up his hands as he picked up the mic again, and another hush fell over the crowd.

“Let’s have a moment of silence and direct out thoughts and prayers to Witchy”. Not a soul in the place, about 42,500 of them, didn’t know the story of their beloved Witchy, the Queen of AS. A silence fell oven the humbled masses, each directing their private thoughts, petitions and prayers in their own unique way. Then, Joat strode to the mic.

“Father, please hear our prayers, Amen”. Joat waited a few moments for the people to get ready for the events to unfold. Then, Joat pulled a rabbit out of the hat, “And now, please welcome my old friend, Joe Walsh”

Joe and the band hustled on stage as the crowd howled with approval. A familiar tune filled the air, and then Joe grabbed the mic from Joat.

I have many saws,
Forget the price,
Ain't never run them all,
But they’re awful nice,

I live in Leesburg,
I work on saws,
I have accountants,
Pay for it all,

They say I'm crazy but I have a good time,
I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime,
Life's been good to me so far,

My new 660,
Cuts in one eighty-five,
I took a video,
So you know I’ve not lied,

I have a Husky,
Rides in the back,
I lock the doors,
In case I'm attacked,

I'm make sales records,
My customers can't wait,
They post on AS,
Tell me I'm great,

So I got me an office,
I hang bars on the wall,
Just post me a message,
Maybe I'll call,

Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through,
(Everybody sing) I'm cool (He's cool),
I can't complain but sometimes I still do,
Life's been good to me so far,

Watch Demi videos,
Sometimes until four,
It's hard to leave,
When you're watching Miss Moore,

It's tough to handle,
This fortune and fame,
Everybody's so different,
I haven't changed,

They say I'm crazy but it takes all my time,
(Everybody sing) Oh yeah (Oh yeah),
I keep on going guess I'll never know why,
Life's been good to me so far baby,
inside the Stihl Cafe.

The roar is deafening. The anticipation suddenly takes center stage. Joat goes to side stage and comes back with, yep, Mr. Tommie Hall and Demi. Tommie is so dapper in his black tux, and Demi’s red dress sucks the collective breath from the assembled throng. Joat notices a small coffee stain on Tommie’s heavily starched shirt, but other than Demi, no one else seems to notice. Demi gestures for Tommie to take the mic from Joat, and as he does, he casually strolls to center stage, soaking in the experience like a coral sponge. Tommie reaches into his pocket to pull out the speech that Joat has prepared for him. He know it’s bound to be a dozy. Horror of horrors. Tommie suddenly remembers Demi telling him to pull his speech from his pocket and place it in a less conspicuous place. Tommie remembers taking it out, and then, those lips were pulsing, begging to be kissed, and the speech fell to the floor, never to be though of again. Tommie shifted nervously and as he shifted, well then it happened. The remote from his DemiVision™ fell to the floor and awakened him.

That day, the folks at Perry’s were amazed as Tommie hummed and sang “Life’s Been Good” all day instead of his usual Elvis fare. Oh, and the coffee stain was there. Yes sir, that’s were dreams and reality meet.

Awwwwwwwwwww a masterpiece indeed. As I read it I saw it all, 70,000 plus fans cheering, yup what a day it was,LOL
Joat I'm doubling your pay to $250,000 a year now. I don't care if ya run a 372, with words like that baby I'm with you!!!
Awwwwwwwwwww a masterpiece indeed. As I read it I saw it all, 70,000 plus fans cheering, yup what a day it was,LOL
Joat I'm doubling your pay to $250,000 a year now. I don't care if ya run a 372, with words like that baby I'm with you!!!


My 029 feels so alone. With the 372 and 390 perched next to her. I've decided to give the old girl (029) suitable stablemate. :hmm3grin2orange:


My 029 feels so alone. With the 372 and 390 perched next to her. I've decided to give the old girl (029) suitable stablemate. :hmm3grin2orange:


Well you can always donate the 029 to the home for the needy, I'll see to it you get tax write off. I recently got rid of both 029's I had but not for free, yes the Pres needed coffee money so what the hell. With 300.00 I can buy enuff Folgers for a month,LOL
Most of the later World Champions did, or a 371, or a 2171, or a 2071......:greenchainsaw:

Really, cool. Now tell me what is a World Champion sawman, exactly what do they do to win the title as World Champion??? Seriously now, all kidding aside what does this championship consist of??
It has a fully adjustable carb.... Are you asking if it runs better or slower at different elevations?

No, I'm saying that other 70cc saws (bone stock) have a lot more power at this elevation. At 8700' the 441 was a DOG compared to the 044, 440, and yes even the 372. The 441 sounded pretty good untill you hit the wood.
This shop has set up almost all of my new saws, so I know they know how to tune for altitude. I was wondering if there was something else that needed to be done to the stratocharged engines, or if I would be better off to stay away from them.
