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Meh... 50cc's...
Next chance I get I am going to buy another Husky 350. I'll port it then send it to you when you are up to it. Then tell me "Meh".
Meh... 50cc's...
Are you saying the 260 pro is faster stock than the 346 or after porting etc?
Does Darth Snellerizer have anything that is stock? :monkey:
Next chance I get I am going to buy another Husky 350. I'll port it then send it to you when you are up to it. Then tell me "Meh".
Sorry I didn't make that clear. I have not timed stock saws but it feels stronger than both the 260 or 5100. The 5100 just doesn't impress me until you factor in price. Then it becomes the best buy if money is tight. Both of my saws are modded. But despite that, I'd still rather work with the 346.
so the 361 is a sixty cc saw....50cc saw means up to 50cc...60cc saw means up to 60cc
[/QUOTE]You do realize that Gary once owned and ran a Buick V-8 engine chainsaw? Here is Gary ripping chips with The Termite.
IMHO 50 cc saws would be up to 55cc max !!!!!! anything more is in another class!
thanks....ill keep my 59 cc saw in the 50cc class then...not by that rule of someone.. the 440 and 361 are in the same class....not
Yes I do!
You DO realize I had a 346xp I was in four times, and the 350 ate it's lunch with one try don't you?
Yeah, I still have the "freak" built 046BB that runs like a striped ass ape, but given the choice I'll grab that 350 any day and my back is happy the next day! I get the "big guy" when I need him, but in smaller wood it's a toss up now!
Best 50 cc saw ever is a Dolmar 115i.