cleaning stihl air filters

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Your 084 might have the old style pleated (and oiled) type of filter. They just don't clean after 15 years... Chuck it...

Andy, I dont know the stihl stuff so here is the part # 0000-120-1601 of the filter and a pic. It says no oil on it. But it is a different part number then the one in my 066, that says no oil. I'm clueless on stihl HD filters.

well I just tried carb cleaner and it got alittle better, so as of now its in the dishwasher on the pots and pans mode. I take it you guys take them out before the drying cycle??? or not? Shhh wife dont know hehe.

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I have had really good success with the "Castrol Super Clean" in the purple bottle. I bought the stuff at WAL-MART for about $8. I sprayed it directly on the filter and let it soak in for a few mintues. I then completely washed/flushed the filter off. The filter turned out great and looked almost new. I'd highly recommend it. Just remember not to let the solution dry or sit on the filter for more than 10 minutes. Filter element damage can occur. Good Luck!:D
Andy, I dont know the stihl stuff so here is the part # 0000-120-1601 of the filter and a pic. It says no oil on it. But it is a different part number then the one in my 066, that says no oil. I'm clueless on stihl HD filters.

well I just tried carb cleaner and it got alittle better, so as of now its in the dishwasher on the pots and pans mode. I take it you guys take them out before the drying cycle??? or not? Shhh wife dont know hehe.


That's the older (but not the oldest) pleated version that was superceded a very long time ago - very hard to clean. I can also tell by your prefilter that it ins't working - the edges are curled up and the crud will just bypass it and get firmly lodged in the main filter. The prefilter has to fit exactly between the edges of the main filter and be tight. There are two different sizes of prefilter - one starting with part number 1124...and the other with 0000. The 1124 is the narrower and "generally" is the correct size for the really old old filters, adn the 0000 type for the others. The -1601 takes the 0000...

The current version of the HD filter is -1654 (fleece), and -1653 for the mesh version (highest thoughput, suposedly just for snow, but...). They are only $24 a set... and last for years if looked after.
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I used the "purple cleaner" I mentioned earlier on my 029 Super. It worked awesome! Give it a try!

Yes.. that's how we clean all customer filters. A squirt bottle with 4:1 diluted PC, split the filters, couple of squirts each side, wait 5 minutes, wash out under the faucet.. blow dry and they often look like new.
Well the way I cleaned my Stihl filters (028,066) was to sell them and buy a husqvarna (385xp new). I also picked up a 5100 dolmar (new). Alot of difference in air filter cleaninf between brands.
I just had to add this, funny no one else chimed in with it.
Well the way I cleaned my Stihl filters (028,066) was to sell them and buy a husqvarna (385xp new). I also picked up a 5100 dolmar (new). Alot of difference in air filter cleaninf between brands.
I just had to add this, funny no one else chimed in with it.

Haha. No wonder the thread's title is "Cleaning Stihl air filters". Stihl could have a bestseller if they made a portable air compressor to carry along with their chainsaws. While the Stihl guys of the logging team clean air filters, their Husqvarna buddies can cut some wood for the camp fire. :rockn:
If your saws is spitting back a lot of gas into the filter, the oils and resins from the wood will harden and block. Purple cleaner is a good solution. Make sure your inner sponge is in place to trap any spit-back, or if a later saw, the defector is installed.

I've been searching back posts, trying to find the pros and cons of the deflector ("baffle" setup versus the older foam insert. The foam seems like a nice extra layer of insurance, especially when milling. What was the point of going to the plastic insert?
The foam is not to stop crud (very large holes) but to stop spitback from soaking the carb - it also impedes air flow. Later saws, like the 046 and MS660 have a plastic deflector, different air scoop, and better flow.
The foam is not to stop crud (very large holes) but to stop spitback from soaking the carb - it also impedes air flow. Later saws, like the 046 and MS660 have a plastic deflector, different air scoop, and better flow.

Thanks. The "very large holes" bit is what wasn't clear to me. So, fromthe threads I've been reading, just keeping the felt prefilter clean (on a new MS660 w/HD filter) should do the trick?
Buying the 660 has made me kinda fussy... I mean, I even cleaned out the shed, because it didn't look like a place for a $1000 saw. Filled a trash cangetting the bench clear...
My 361 mesh filter is quite easy, just knock the dust off, use a bruch when it is sticky, and use a dishwasher when it gets real dirty......:biggrinbounce2:
Uh oh... you've got it bad... All you need now is white leather seats in the truck:hmm3grin2orange:

Oh, yeah... part of the "All show no go" 4x4 package so popular with the drugstore cowboys around here.

Now that I think of it.. the wife would be pretty happy if I kept the truck as clean as I keep the saws...
My 361 mesh filter is quite easy, just knock the dust off, use a bruch when it is sticky, and use a dishwasher when it gets real dirty......:biggrinbounce2:

Btw, Husky filters stay cleaner, but it doesn't matter for my use - they are a bit harder to clean also, but that doesn't really matter either.......:taped:

This is a non-issue, with the 361 vs Huskys.
That's the older (but not the oldest) pleated version that was superceded a very long time ago - very hard to clean. I can also tell by your prefilter that it ins't working - the edges are curled up and the crud will just bypass it and get firmly lodged in the main filter. The prefilter has to fit exactly between the edges of the main filter and be tight. There are two different sizes of prefilter - one starting with part number 1124...and the other with 0000. The 1124 is the narrower and "generally" is the correct size for the really old old filters, adn the 0000 type for the others. The -1601 takes the 0000...

The current version of the HD filter is -1654 (fleece), and -1653 for the mesh version (highest thoughput, suposedly just for snow, but...). They are only $24 a set... and last for years if looked after.

Where can I buy them for $24 a set? I called my local dealer about the -1654, and they told me $38.95. I about fell over. I can buy a Fleetguard filter for my Dodge with the Cummins Turbo Diesel for about that much. $38.95? Give me a break!

Here's a pic of my -1605 that I'd like to upgrade to HD style.

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