dan henry modified 372xp

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Yes I did say that I may have had a made gasket in the 2100/285. You will also see that I said that it would have been under the barrel. I made no mention of a carb gasket because I never made one.
Mark I know that you are not mechanically inclined enough to change the gasket but you are intelligent enough to have someone else do it for you. Maybe that was the case. I just know that I didn't make it.
You seem to have a knack of getting other people to do your dirty work for you. You sent the 460 to Dennis and had him sell it for you. That way I would never see it. Then you sent me the Mike 2100. Yes it wasn't very pretty inside but was that the way it came from Mike or did you have someone's else make it that way? Or maybe that's all Mike had to work with to start with.
You are right Mark, most of the time you get what you pay for. I this case you got way more then you paid for. I gave you a 2100 to replace the 460 that you told me blew up. You know the saw that you wouldn't send back here for me to repair. The one that you sent to Dennis. Then you got the free 2100/285 and you complained about a free saw. What a low life. Did you pay for that? NO Did you deserve it. NO
You sent emails to everyone and his brother about how I screwed you. Who screwed who Mark. The way I look at it, you owe me 1 1/2 2100s. Send them back and I will send you out a new front muffler cover for a 460, that should make us about even. You also complained about not getting a 2100 barrel on that saw. The piston and barrel that has the gasket I made is the 2100 piston and barrel from the other parts saw that John left off here. Send me back that 285 barrel and I will send you out this junk 2100 barrel.
Now you have been talking to Dennis C and you want him to start building all of the woods saws on the forum. Sound familiar Mark? Gee remember when Ed first came into the picture? That's when you wanted me to start building hot saws and run him out of business.
You are correct Mark you are only as good as the company you keep and I am glad that I am not around you. I just hope that the others take notice to what I say and not get bit by you, like I did.
Mark the reason that nobody in Pa complains about me is they are not like you are. They never screwed me on the saws that I built for them.
Remember your words Mark friends don't screw friends. What does that tell you?
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
Originally posted by Gypo Logger
.... I do recall calling Tommy Fales and Dennis Cahoon a couple of Lowlifes though.
My Bad!

It`s OK John, Tommy and Dennis are our site "bad" mascots, they like the notoriety. :D

Yes it wasn't very pretty inside but was that the way it came from Mike or did you have someone's else make it that way?
Are you saying that mark took the saw apart, wire wheeled the piston, then buttoned it back up to make Mike look bad? How could this nbe when marks doesnt have the mechanical apptitude to pull of such a feat?
BTW as for being un happy with your saws. What about your lapdog Eric? If I remember right he was slightly unhappy when is pp7900 got smoked by a stocker.
not unless theyre hot with silicone speed bumps:D I think everybody on this site has bee fawked one way or another, so this is what we do, dont buy saws from Mike, dont buy gaskets from Dan,dont send saws to Dennis, and last but not leest dont pull John into it because he deny everything and then turn you in for starting SHAT:D
I can't understand why nobody has pounded on me for at least 48 hrs., and I am feeling left out.
Anyway I called Crash/Banger to ask him why and this is what he said, so if no one has the common decency to insult me I'll have to insult myself.
Crash/Banger:Timber trashy is what many consider to be a unique person and unique people are often overlooked or just not paid any attention........its like the kid next door thats got ADD he drives you nuts and you want cut his head off.............but he's got ADD so you dont pay any attention to him..........you just shrug your shoulders and walk away........I think thats what they do with Timber Trashy.........
Originally posted by ehp

i use the factory gaskets only, why fix something that works.
Aren't you in the business of fixing things that work? lol I couldn't resist. Sheesh, this place is starting to sound like a sorority house at the wrong time of month.
Originally posted by bwalker
FWIW Dennis screwed multiple people and thats well documented. As far as Rupley. His own friends admit that he screwed the joisey boy. So what are you saying ? Have you joined the band of thieves also? Your only as good as the company you keep.


Ben, I want you to name those friends right now. Mike

Rupedoggy, add Ken Dunn and your brother SawRacr to the list! BB
In spite of all the $hit slinging that is going on, however entertaining, Ole Ken Dunn says to say hi and is recovering rather nicely after a slight stroke. He's be in Club Med for the last week, so give him a call at the Oroville hospital at 530 533 8500.
Golly Gee I just don’t know where to begin with this entire pile of BS, so here it goes since people are just glued to this thread.

It’s unfortunate that what I pay for and what I get are two different things. I have nothing to hide with the 460 that saw was a dud. If I was dishonest with you then why did you keep building saws for me? Let me rebuild your computer. Buy the Mall and Cox chainsaws from me, come to my house. If I screwed you then why would you give me all the parts for the 2100/285? Then invite me to your house to sleep over. Fed-ex mufflers out with overnite turn around time. Spend hours talking on the phone. After you claim you knew the saga of the 460. What about the call to get Tony’s 372xp. Sounds kind of Keystone-Weird to me.

People have emailed me for who they feel does good work I have recommended Dennis C and EHP all in the same sentence. These guys are turning out saws at different levels than you. There’s nothing wrong with that is there. I don’t think you could run EHP out of business he’s established already on a much higher level of saw then you produce. I posted once before that you guys should operate like OPEK, compliment each other. You have never herd me say a bad thing about Ken Dunn’s saws have you? That 385 is a smoke house plain and simple. Took a little time to get but worth the wait. The Ken Dunn 385 wa the first saw I never got FOOKED ON, of course Lamebert fooked me out of it. A good saw never gets away.

Did I encourage you to build hotsaws sure. I am a businessman and when there’s an opportunity to move ahead one must change there work to coincide with their competition. Your clientele is mainly woodticks, guys that want the bad-boy image. If it’s loud it’s got to be a hotsaw. NOT

So in closing I want to thank Dan Henry, Mike Rupley and Dennis Greffard to putting the wood to me. It has moved me into a new chapter. You guys are grasping at straws to save your own credibility.

Thank You,
Barky Bark
Marky's gasket

If Marky is of limited mechanical ability, who took the gasket out to get the picture? I know when I tighten a a gasket into place it leaves an unmistakable imprint in the gasket material. The pictured gasket has a partial imprint at best. Then it begs the question how did Marky ever figured out the 2100 was a cross dressing 285 with his limited mechanical skills to take a saw apart and look? Marky, I'm not one of your Good ol' boys though I do buy saws from Danny Henry and live in PA. Not one of mine have had a gasket problem. Not one is a dog. I own enough (5) Danny Henry saws to tell you he builds saws I would buy and have recomend to others. I think you Barky up the wrong tree. My best time with one of his Dolmar PP 7900's in 24" maple was 6sec. and change, that was enough to convince me he builds a good saw. I will also add that Danny's PP346 on nitro, with a 357 carb and tuned pipe is faster than his woods modded PP346. Don't believe me ask Eric Copsey. I bought the saw from Eric. I won't be running it on nitro or with a tuned pipe. I'll use it with a 346 carb and modified muffler with 50:1 mix like my other PP346 work saw. Marky, Danny has always treated me right. If I'd of had a problem with Danny's work you'd have heard about it. Danny would have heard about it first. I'd have sent the saw back to him for repairs to give him a chance to correct it. He said he stands behind his work and I believe him enough to have bought (5) of his saws and ordered a sixth. I think the 460 stunt you pulled says it all.
Geofore, Couple of things. The 357 and 346 use the same carb. If Eric used that as selling point you got bent over. Second Dans 7900's are duds. Ask Copsey as his was so fast it got blown out by a stocker. Of course Dan lied and said the stocker had a RS 7900 jug and piston in it, but we know thats not true as there are no rs 7900's in the country. You also might want to talk to RB on his 7900, or his pp top handle saw.

If Dan would just come clean and fess up to all the lies, antaganism towards other builders, dud saws, the lack of ackowledgment and the BS that have followed his GTG's it would be one thing, but he will not. Reminds me of the Dennis Greffard saga in that he has underestimated his audieance and overestimated his ablity. The gig is up, at least for me.

Truth be known this whole thing is about greed. From the begining Dan has lashed out at anyone he percieved as a threat to his cash cow. Truth is Arborist site has room for more than one builder and all he has acomplished is to shoot himself in the foot.
Last I heard Dennis was building it for free just to beat your a$$ and all the other hard wood junkies Hey walmart has 12 inch bar and chains on sell so run along boy go get ya one:eek: ........ P.S the person that took the saw apart is? go back and have somebody read it to you and if that wont work I will incrypt in for you, Sinned Noohac the firt right answer gets a free 2x4
I'm calling BS on ya macman!&nbsp; I got an email today from somebody else who said <i>they</i> took the saw apart.&nbsp; LOL

But I'll take that 2&times4 because I know what you mean.

I've got a serious question, believe it or not.

Is it or is it not possible to juggle parts around and put together one of these Husky saws from a bunch of parts without ever removing the carb from the manifold?&nbsp; It looks like it would be a natural thing to do and if so, isn't it possible Dan could have simply passed along an existing homemade gasket and never even known it?&nbsp; All posturing aside, isn't it at least possible?&nbsp; Mark says he didn't install it (either directly or indirectly) and Dan says <i>he</i> didn't.&nbsp; Couldn't they both be right?

As the chain turns

The peyton place saga continues. Good thing I'm retired/retiring from the tree biz. The wife and my doctor insist on it. So, I'll be slowing down and have time to follow this thread. The 357 carb was not the selling point. I have 2 of the 346's and at the price why not pick up a parts saw? Never know when you might blow up or seize a saw besides I've been known to give the 346's out as gifts. They make for nice gifts. Well I've got new saws, ropes PPE and the like but an old back that has seen better days. So if you see some old geezer out there, wave, it might be me. I'll have my PPE on.:D :D :D I'm keeping the ins. up. I'll pass on guessing, I got 2x4s.
Busy Beaver you forgot Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Lucifer and Dennis Cahoon as detractors of my work. This is a good example of why you have been banned from here about a half dozen times. You hide behind false names, make false accusations, and make phony gaskets to show MM. You must have a miserable life to want to drag people down, like you try to on this site. Shame on you, shame. Mike
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