Maybe you've noticed all the suits somehow are about an endangered species
Boy howdy. Most of them wouldn't pass a Common Sense check otherwise. I'm on standby right now for how the newest set of regulations affect how I lay out sales.
Maybe you've noticed all the suits somehow are about an endangered species
Boy howdy. Most of them wouldn't pass a Common Sense check otherwise. I'm on standby right now for how the newest set of regulations affect how I lay out sales.
The thing about that is, sometimes you get a sale laid out, and before it is sold, the buffer area requirements or something else is changed. You must return and change things.
Then you go out with black paint, flagging, and all that stuff, erase the old boundary and put in the new. The buffers usually get larger, not smaller so volume has to be deducted from the cruise. $$$$$ are lost and spent and so it goes.
I almost don't mind it when they make us change boundaries before a sale goes to auction. Only my time is wasted. What really hacks me is when a unit is already sold and the F&W folks decide they need to exclude this tree and that tree and this skid route and...
Thing is it never occurs to them that somebody has already BOUGHT those trees, and excluding them involuntarily is theft, plain and simple. Sometimes a purchaser will agree to a tree-for-tree swap, no harm, no foul. Sometimes they'll take the loss.
I also have no clue how you'd build a crowned road along a steep hillside and not use ditches/culverts for the uphill side!
I also have no clue how you'd build a crowned road along a steep hillside and not use ditches/culverts for the uphill side!
You telling me that it isn't theft if they exclude from the sale before the sale. It's still theft, just coming out of someone elses pocket.
I don't agree with this either. There's more timber being wasted then there ever was back in the so called bad old days. Add up all the blown down RMZs, broken off wildlife trees and blown down or fire killed timber that can't be logged because of arbitrary designation of the area as a roadless area it all adds up to a tremendous amount of wasted timber rotting.
That's just madness. I'll have to pass that up my chain-of-command and see if we're affected. I know we haven't talked about it yet, and road maintenance is, as always, a huge issue.
As a forestry tech, I have more sympathy for contract loggers than I do for the ownership the sale comes from. Give or take a tree here, a tree there, our management plan isn't really affected. The guys who have already paid for the logs are the ones who really get a raw deal.
I don't doubt that at your part of the country. And on government ground. I'm not there, I don't see what you see, so I'm not qualified to comment on it.
But where I work, which is mostly on private ground, we don't have near the waste that we used to. We don't have the blow down problems with RMZs that you guys have...different soil and terrain and tree types probably. And we sure log our bug kill and burn salvage as soon as we can get to it. Tops and slash are usually chipped on site and either spread or hauled out.
A lot of our ground is checkerboard with FS ground. You don't need signs to tell which is which. Benign neglect pretty much sums up what happens to the government ground. They waste. We don't.
Wasn't there a 9th circuit ruling that made culverts point sources for pollution? It was big talk around here for a while but I've been out of the forestry loop for a while now. If that happens won't you need a discharge permit for every culvert?
Yes there is. It is being appealed. The case started in Oregon. What I understand is, if the decision is upheld, another permit will be required.
However, I am confused as to the intent and knowledge of the folks suing. Roads don't stop running off water when log trucks leave. Roads are rained on for most of the year, logging or not. Unless the intent is to tear up the majority of roads, and shut more access off, I don't understand the point. But that doesn't matter. I do know the main intent is to stop logging.
I do know the main intent is to stop logging.
And earn legal fees!