:mad2: Here's my tale of woe. Today I returned to "the gym" and started on a 6" Doug. All the trees are dougs. Well, it looked like it was favoring going one way, not by much, and there was no way it would hit the ground going that way. So, I tried the back cut, place wedge in, then notch method. Mistake. I used an orange wedge and my little axe. My blows were right on, and the wedge went in, and in, and in, the tree stayed. I sawed a little more on the hinge without cutting it off. No go. I added a pink wedge. The two colors were incompatible and the orange one popped out. The tree was too heavy to be pushed over by people power. So, I tried to make it go the way it wanted. I cut above the original cut. No go. I tried to cut the hinge off on the bottom cut. Nope. The tree stayed put. I finally got my feets lightened up and cut the tree off. The little tractor arrived, I hooked up the tree, and it stubbornly went down.
I am sore from hammering on the two different colored wedges. Fie on this method. Fie I say!