Falling pics 11/25/09

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Yup. Done right, with a good gentle lay for the tree, you can save one out where otherwise you'd have to send it to Diamond Match.

I heard a story about how a couple of redwood fallers in their late 70s sent a big one to the tooth pick factory. They went back for a punkin they left, got the lay all pretty, let it drift a little and BOOM. Sounds like an epic embarrassment haha. oh well, they where decades past paying their dues I'm sure. .
Yup. Done right, with a good gentle lay for the tree, you can save one out where otherwise you'd have to send it to Diamond Match.

Shhhhh! We give him too many pointers and the price of matches will start going up.:laugh:

Mr. HE:cool:
:mad2: Here's my tale of woe. Today I returned to "the gym" and started on a 6" Doug. All the trees are dougs. Well, it looked like it was favoring going one way, not by much, and there was no way it would hit the ground going that way. So, I tried the back cut, place wedge in, then notch method. Mistake. I used an orange wedge and my little axe. My blows were right on, and the wedge went in, and in, and in, the tree stayed. I sawed a little more on the hinge without cutting it off. No go. I added a pink wedge. The two colors were incompatible and the orange one popped out. The tree was too heavy to be pushed over by people power. So, I tried to make it go the way it wanted. I cut above the original cut. No go. I tried to cut the hinge off on the bottom cut. Nope. The tree stayed put. I finally got my feets lightened up and cut the tree off. The little tractor arrived, I hooked up the tree, and it stubbornly went down.

I am sore from hammering on the two different colored wedges. Fie on this method. Fie I say!
:mad2: Here's my tale of woe. Today I returned to "the gym" and started on a 6" Doug. All the trees are dougs. Well, it looked like it was favoring going one way, not by much, and there was no way it would hit the ground going that way. So, I tried the back cut, place wedge in, then notch method. Mistake. I used an orange wedge and my little axe. My blows were right on, and the wedge went in, and in, and in, the tree stayed. I sawed a little more on the hinge without cutting it off. No go. I added a pink wedge. The two colors were incompatible and the orange one popped out. The tree was too heavy to be pushed over by people power. So, I tried to make it go the way it wanted. I cut above the original cut. No go. I tried to cut the hinge off on the bottom cut. Nope. The tree stayed put. I finally got my feets lightened up and cut the tree off. The little tractor arrived, I hooked up the tree, and it stubbornly went down.

I am sore from hammering on the two different colored wedges. Fie on this method. Fie I say!

No video?
####, ####, god damnit, sonova #####, I wanna fall some ####### timber!! All this mbf talk, ####! I spent all day feeding a chipper:dizzy:

reminds me of " patience is a virtue for which I have no time to wait". reminds me of me.

its going on wet wet winter. You want something lined up for next spring. breath deeply, breath slowly.
Randy, you could have at least turned your hat around so you could make us think you were looking up every now & then.

Fences do that.

I am embarassed to admit I did not fix my fence yet. Cows are all sorted in corrals.
Well its blowin 30-40 here 39 degrees and sideways rain. I always do love the discussions of figuring/converting wood volumes and old growth timber fallin! The easy way for my conversions is 1500 bf/cord. Bending fibers is more fun then breaking them. Hold er to the stump.

Kid I've got at least half a dozen guys you could call lookin for hand fallers right now. If'n you can handle the language, lots a beer, and brats up here! Its funny when I was callin lookin for a job nobody wanted to even talk. Now that I'm my own entity I hear all the time about cutters and crews needed here and there.

Couple of nothin pics. This ones for ole Timer. Humboldt with snipe-like I said nothin too fancy and it keeps everything movin instead of splittin. Just skinnin cats. How much time does this save in comparison to boring out the heart? Maybe a little, but keeping a full hinge can be nice in certain situations.


Hammerin a couple of vine-strangled snags down. Any of you guys ever get flipped a bonus for cuttin snags on private land? The guy gave me extra and will continue to give me extra for each stump. That and I pull the wood out and get paid for gettin the firewood out for him. I can usually send a saw tree in the snag's direction which opens up holes for me to lay them in anyway.


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I have a good feeling that I will be able to get something going for spring. We got sent out to a section being logged to take out trees above a 3 phaze. the boss man Donny is funny as hell and the cat skinner Bob is 81 years young and full of himself. Our boss Dwane is also full of it, between the three of them, there is a lot to learn.
Im not gonna complain. .
been cutting with the gov for 25 years. would love to get experience in the private sector. know any companies (left coast) who would hire a hand faller who hasn't worked for private? no worries, i can take a beating.

You might get a job on a thinning crew or maybe with one of the tree services on a ROW job but I doubt if a falling job will be easy to find. As a rule there are always more fallers than there are jobs. It's been that way as long as I can remember.

If a logging outfit needs fallers they usually have a list of guys that they already know. They want somebody whose work they're familiar with...somebody they can trust to do the job and do it right. If they don't know you and nobody already working for them will vouch for you there's just too much risk involved in hiring a man whose skills and work habits are an unknown.

From the questions you've already asked on AS about the different ways to fall trees I don't question your sincerity. I do question your experience and skill level. Falling timber in a production setting is a whole different ballgame from taking out a firewood tree here and there. Again, from the questions you've asked and the statements you've made it's apparent that you don't have a good enough understanding of falling to work at it as a profession. That's not an attack on you. It's just the observation of a guy who's been doing it awhile. You'd best stick with the hobbyist end of the game, cut your firewood trees, and keep learning.

Besides, sometimes it's a lot more enjoyable to get to cut trees than it is to have to cut them. :)
:mad2: Here's my tale of woe. Today I returned to "the gym" and started on a 6" Doug. All the trees are dougs. Well, it looked like it was favoring going one way, not by much, and there was no way it would hit the ground going that way. So, I tried the back cut, place wedge in, then notch method. Mistake. I used an orange wedge and my little axe. My blows were right on, and the wedge went in, and in, and in, the tree stayed. I sawed a little more on the hinge without cutting it off. No go. I added a pink wedge. The two colors were incompatible and the orange one popped out. The tree was too heavy to be pushed over by people power. So, I tried to make it go the way it wanted. I cut above the original cut. No go. I tried to cut the hinge off on the bottom cut. Nope. The tree stayed put. I finally got my feets lightened up and cut the tree off. The little tractor arrived, I hooked up the tree, and it stubbornly went down.

I am sore from hammering on the two different colored wedges. Fie on this method. Fie I say!

There's no hope in h### that a 6-incher would obey a wedge of any colour. It's not about the method, it's all about physics etc...

Want to double or triple your (wo)man power pushing over a tree? Cut a 12'-15' pole with a forking end.
There's no hope in h### that a 6-incher would obey a wedge of any colour. It's not about the method, it's all about physics etc...

Want to double or triple your (wo)man power pushing over a tree? Cut a 12'-15' pole with a forking end.

Yup, me and my older brother used to be put on "pole-duty" by dad when we'd go cut firewood. Can't tell ya how many trees we pushed over with a pole.

If'n a guy can't find one with a fork, you can cut a steep pigs-ear on the end so it'll dig into the tree.

I really like them tree falling gadgets with the "boat winch crank" that you anchor into the ground. I think Miss P. could really use something like that in that plantation setting.
Very wise words Bob, cutting because you want to and cutting because you have to are very different things. It doesn't matter if its 90 or 0 degrees, rain, snow, or shine. Aches, pains, blah, blah, blah. That is how the money is made. Sharpening chains every night gets old. A day or two of not cutting gets me itchy to get out there though. Today was one of those days. All ash on top of the hill I'm cutting. Short snakey things mostly. A dozen more trees left after today and on to the next one. There is supposed to be some nice hard maple and cherry on the next hill over.


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Kid- This might twist your arm a little bit to get you up here- Northern WI/MN has some of the best hydro grown in the country! I haven't partaken myself in quite a while though. Just beer and whiskey for me now. Northern lights? Purple Nurple? Hmm? Hmm?
Yup, me and my older brother used to be put on "pole-duty" by dad when we'd go cut firewood. Can't tell ya how many trees we pushed over with a pole.

If'n a guy can't find one with a fork, you can cut a steep pigs-ear on the end so it'll dig into the tree.

I really like them tree falling gadgets with the "boat winch crank" that you anchor into the ground. I think Miss P. could really use something like that in that plantation setting.

Yezzir, have had to do that a couple times with trees that were maxed out as far as wedges went and just needed that little extra push to get headed towards the ground. It was usually following a conversation that went like this:

Me: I don't think that'll go
Uncle Boyd: just wedge that ####er over, don't be a #####
Me: ok then you do it
Uncle Boyd: I can't I'm busy as #### right now (walks away)
I tripple ported my dual port today, w/ the official 288 deflector. We'll give her a run tomorrow.
I'm going away for a week and am already feeling the withdrawals from bein away from this thread

you kids be good, Dammit
and don't forget to feed the chickens and the cows
and don't forget to let the cat in at night or the coyotes'll get him
and don't forget to close the door to the shop or the damn squirrels'll get in
You know the difference between a logger and jet airplane?

The jet airplane stops whining after it lands in Hawaii.

Mr. HE:cool:
I'm going away for a week and am already feeling the withdrawals from bein away from this thread

you kids be good, Dammit
and don't forget to feed the chickens and the cows
and don't forget to let the cat in at night or the coyotes'll get him
and don't forget to close the door to the shop or the damn squirrels'll get in

Goin on a hunt?