Dad ^^^^ wouldn't understand the CAD!!! :-)
Thanks for your imput and knowledge about the Homelite demo saws. I've uploaded some pictures and I think the info shared by you and others has lead me to believe the saw I'm looking at is a DM-50.Good info as usual Dan. The XL800/900 based demo/concrete/cutoff saws were the XL88 and XL98 series. Later XL98's having "A", "B", "C", or "D" as model suffix's. There was the XL12 based DM20 as well as the 410 based DM40, 450 based DM50, and 540 based DM54.
Usually if these machines were used much for cutting concrete they're CLAPPED OUT. Even if the P/C survived a dusting from poor AF maintenance, the bearings and seals are often whipped. Saws used for cutting cable, rebar, rails, and car bodies/frames are often in better shape. I think that's due to the lack of concrete dust, and the more intermittant use cycles for cutting those materials (which is more like 'regular' chainsaw use) rather than the LONG WOT grind when making a long concrete cut (especially if the saw was used on a cart).
It doesn't look like it's too clapped out / used hard and put away wet. What are your thoughts by looking at these pictures!???