I have just gotten the little super 2 running and was wondering what length bar I should get since the old 14" is worn out? This saw will be used to limb and clear atv hunting trails. What do you recommend and why? I have not ever used one of these saws and am trying to figure out what is best for the power it makes.
12" or 14" would be best. You can run a 16" bar for 'reach'..........but I wouldn't count on it performing very well when burried in oak.
The Oregon A061 mount is what you're looking for. Open ended slot, with a 'square' section in the front of the slot. They can often be found for peanuts on feebay and on clearance at Baileys.
I like it! You would have been haunted by it if you had left without it for $10. Im new to the Homelites, what model is it?
I would have probably bought it for $20 non running. It was funny too because last year around this same time he had that same saw there. I asked him how much he payed for it. Said $10. I offered him quite a bit for it and he turned me down. I randomly asked him if he still had it yesterday. Took me out and showed me it. Then he randomly said I could have it for $10. I could not pass it up. Took it out today and with a little work (finding screws for the piece that goes from the air cleaner to the carb and cleaning the air filter). Fired right up on the 4th pull. Would not idle worth a crap with the idle jet in all the way, so I turned in the low about 1 turn and it idles good. Cut a few cookies in some big pine and tapped it. Cut very nice. Will get that vid on here soon.
Got this one a few weeks ago, thought I would show you guys.
It was a freebie, just been parked for along time over a bad friction shoe.
Cleaned it up, fixed the starter and sealed up the fuel tank leak and its a good runner now.
How many turns out on the h.s. jet on your C5?
I have mine out past where the book calls for and it still falls on its' face after 30 seconds of hard pull. Nurse it and then it's off going on another half minute of hard pull.
I have new rubber goods in the Tilly.
Saw has new filter element (big felt sleve type), new fuel lines and kit in the carb. This is the C5 I put new rings in. Kitted the carb. but, needs the gasket/diaphram order checked again. H jet is out 1 1/4 turns. Fuel is puddeling in the carb. box but maybe the strainer cover drips a tad. I can see plenty of fuel in the tank to carb. line. Cap vent is a small hole that spits fuel while running.
Thing is, the book (Clymer and Homelite manuals) calls for 1/2-3/4 turns open. Yikes!
It's got to be a carb. problem. Sluggish metering needle?
Got this one a few weeks ago, thought I would show you guys.
It was a freebie, just been parked for along time over a bad friction shoe.
Cleaned it up, fixed the starter and sealed up the fuel tank leak and its a good runner now.
You say "fixed the starter". I have a C-7 that runs great. Just the last few times I went to fire her up, the starter would engage into the flywheel, but it would take 2 minutes for the rope to engage all the way back into the starter. So I took off the starter and it still took to minutes to go all the way back in. Sprayed some PB Blaster down in there and work it in. Recoil does what it is suppose to now but for some reason the paws will not engage on that wheel. Not sure whats wrong here.
You say "fixed the starter". I have a C-7 that runs great. Just the last few times I went to fire her up, the starter would engage into the flywheel, but it would take 2 minutes for the rope to engage all the way back into the starter. So I took off the starter and it still took to minutes to go all the way back in. Sprayed some PB Blaster down in there and work it in. Recoil does what it is suppose to now but for some reason the paws will not engage on that wheel. Not sure whats wrong here.
If you are talking about that blue C-5, that would be Mark's saw. My C-7 is this red one. View attachment 268276Very nice saw :msp_thumbup: