The inflation calculator shows $309 in 1970 to be over $2500 today.Looked in the shipping box and found some more to go with the 903. Manual, envelope, starting instructions and the original receipt.
View attachment 1180578
The inflation calculator shows $309 in 1970 to be over $2500 today.
Lol, no doubt.In that case, the saw is for sale.
What's that like Chris, not sure I've ever had such and experience...?
Mark I wonder if I'd simply have to get it apart, mic the bearings and seals (and crank) and just source them through a supplier?I'm 90% certain that the seal dimensions (shaft & bore) match the PM6/MM/300 Series saws. See if you can check the dimensions and I can verify the measurements for the little McCulloch saws.
I don't have any idea what they used for bearings.
Mark I wonder if I'd simply have to get it apart, mic the bearings and seals (and crank) and just source them through a supplier?
Pictures I've seen on eBay look the same as the needle bearings that ride on the crankshaft as used in a Mini Mac, they might even be the same dimensions.
I can't see myself spending $75 - 100 for NOS bearings and seals for a saw that I literally have about $20 invested into...