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Which shop are you talking about???..I've dealt with just about all of em' in Greenville.

Landscappers Supply on Piney Mtn. Road. It may be that they just don't see "homeowners" as "good" customers. My FIL and I talked about my decision to buy Husky and his comment about Landscappers Supply was: "Not very friendly over there".

TH, have you visited the Dolmar place on Rogers Bridge Road in Duncan? They're about 2 miles down the road from where I'm currently working?

I have a dealer I visit 5 or 6 times a year. In the last 1 1/2 years, I've purchased a BG85 blower and a BR600 blower in addition to a chain, oil and other misc. parts.

About 4 weeks ago, I'd decided I wanted a 440 or 460. I went to the dealer and bought a part, and then asked the guy that was helping me to show me a saw. He said he didn't know much about them, so he said: "Bob, can you show this fella' a saw?" Bob's response: "You can read as well as I can. Take a catalog over there".

Well, I know Bob knows his stuff. He's either an owner or principal. He acted put upon to even show me how to start the BR600 I bought last year. Being my first 4-mix and all, I wanted a little direction.

Well, 2 Saturdays ago, I walk in the store and buy a part. I started looking at saws. There was one other customer in the store, also getting a part. Now, not one of the 4 perple on the sales floor or behind the sales counter were interested in me as I spent 10 minutes handling the 440 and 460.

I left determined to get a Dolmar 7900. The dealer/service/parts for Dolmar bothered me, so I asked a site sponsor about a 372 and bingo, I'm cuttin' wood.:chainsaw:

No runs, ho hits, no Stihl.

Lots of firewood, big grin and a nice Husky.:hmm3grin2orange:

Okay. So he didn't refuse to sell you a saw as you implied in your first post. He just couldn't be bothered with it at the time. Big difference.

Harry K
Great Dealer

Well, I'll chime in and admit that I have a GREAT Stihl dealer. He carries the entire line of Stihl (on the shelf), and will sell you whatever you want.

He has a huge store and sells chainsaws/kubotas/wheelhorse/etc and has several employees that are mostly family.

When I got my BRAND New ms260, he had his daughter get a new one out of the box (not off the shelf) and she took the saw away.
When she came back in 5 minutes, it was out of the box, bar and chain on,
gassed up, and she showed me how to start it.

He repairs anything and has some used saws of all sorts if that is what you want.

I needed O-rings for my old Poulan5200 project for the gas and oil caps.
He must have looked at every O-ring that he had in the shop and finally found what I needed. Total cost to me was 2 x .50$

I needed 2 foot of an odd size of fuel line. He looked everywhere and did not have it. He looked in the book and found it and said that he would order if I wanted. I do not know for sure, but the book only listed a 100ft roll for 75$.
I honestly believe that he was going to order it and sell me 2 foot of it.
I told him to not bother and found it elsewhere.

Don't know if it is allowed to post names on this site but if you're in the area,
make sure that you visit LEES' OUTDOOR POWER, in Ft Wayne Indiana.
Well, I walked into my Stihl dealer with a pocket full of money and they wouldn't even sell me a saw.

They didn't need a sign about service 'cause I kinda figured that one out by myself.

Definition of "sale" from
"4. to persuade or induce (someone) to buy something: The salesman sold me on a more expensive model than I wanted."

Now, when I walk into a place of business TWICE with the money in my pocket and all intentions of buying a product, and get blown off, I think there is a FAILURE TO SELL a product.

To make the record clear, I visit this store often to buy chains, oil, gas cans, mulch, railroad ties, mower parts, trimmer heads and lines, blowers, and even chainsaws as family gifts. Most times, I go to the counter and ask for a particular product or pull it off the floor and carry it to the counter. They always seem to be able to take my money in these cases.

Well there are a lot of examples here of poor dealer attitudes. But getting back to the original post, it should not be assumed that a dealer declining to work on something is simply a matter of a spiteful reaction to a unit being purchased elsewhere. There are a lot of completely valid reasons, such as managing the amount of work you take in, leaving youself enough time to perform all of the many other functions that are required to operate a business sucessfully. A lot of the bigger shops with dedicated techs, will be more likely to accept outside work to keep those guys busy. Smaller shops, where you have to wear many different hats, have an entirely different set of parameters.

I do find it kind of amusing that when a customer decides not to do business with a shop, it's just a matter of his choice. But when a shop chooses not to do business with a customer, the customer feels put off and gets offended. "You don't want my business?" In some cases, we don't.
Well there are a lot of examples here of poor dealer attitudes. But getting back to the original post, it should not be assumed that a dealer declining to work on something is simply a matter of a spiteful reaction to a unit being purchased elsewhere. There are a lot of completely valid reasons, such as managing the amount of work you take in, leaving youself enough time to perform all of the many other functions that are required to operate a business sucessfully. A lot of the bigger shops with dedicated techs, will be more likely to accept outside work to keep those guys busy. Smaller shops, where you have to wear many different hats, have an entirely different set of parameters.

I do find it kind of amusing that when a customer decides not to do business with a shop, it's just a matter of his choice. But when a shop chooses not to do business with a customer, the customer feels put off and gets offended. "You don't want my business?" In some cases, we don't.

Well, in these parts, it's still in fashion to be kind when you don't want business. The following comments are examples that could be used by a business that wants to decline service:

1. Wish we could help be we lack the [_________]. fill in from: people/talent/parts/time/tools/expertise,etc.
2. We don't service that brand, but [_________] up the road does.
3. I'm swamped today, is there a day next week when you can drop by?

I think when a firm holds it self out (meaning storefront, advertising) to be in a particular business, you have a duty to conduct that business in a professional, couteous manner. Now, I know there are jerks and PIAs for every business. This isn't what I'm talking about.

Oh, and from your posts, it seems to me that you would be good to do business with.:)

I'm not trying to be confrontational, but I'm shocked that a store (well, now 3 stores) would not make an honest attempt to sell a $730 or $810 saw. Gotta' be a profit in selling a Stihl at full MSRP. No?

I completely agree that you need to be polite when declining work. I hope my post didn't suggest otherwise. And we always try to refer people to someone who can help them.

As far as not wanting to sell a saw to someone, I can't imagine what was going through that dealers mind. (Probably nothing)
I have a small buss. and there is people that come through my door that I just don't want to help, but I do. I guess as a buss. owner it just depends on how much buss you want. If that is the way your treated just go down the road to the next guy.:cheers:
When I was younger I did alot of bicycle racing,and was on a decently sponsored team.The team's primary backer was a nice,family run bicycle shop,that dealt in several well known brands of good bikes,and did service on all brands,from low buck Huffys and Murrays to the finest carbon fiber or titanium framed racing machines.Their philosophy was pretty simple,if you bring your cheap POS bike in for service enough times,we'll eventually help you see the light and you'll purchase a decent,quality machine that will be far more dependable and require less service.In other words you'll realise what a difference a quality piece of equipment will make,we'll make a sale,you'll get a nice bike that you'll enjoy riding and we'll form a nice relationship between shop and customer.The same should hold true for any business like this,whether selling bicycles or power equipment.If I was a dealer,I'd welcome the service customers.Once they were coming back on a regular basis for service,I'd plant the seeds by pointing out how much it's costing to keep servicing his Wild Thing,and how much better off he'd be with a decent saw.By shutting out the customers that need service on other brands of saws,you're losing potential retail customers.At least that's my way of thinking.
Landscappers Supply on Piney Mtn. Road. It may be that they just don't see "homeowners" as "good" customers. My FIL and I talked about my decision to buy Husky and his comment about Landscappers Supply was: "Not very friendly over there".

TH, have you visited the Dolmar place on Rogers Bridge Road in Duncan? They're about 2 miles down the road from where I'm currently working?


Landscapper supply has been so so to us,but they are too high on their prices.....You don't work that far from McAbee turf and tractor...they are a little pricey,sometimes you can talk them down a little,but they are awesome people to deal with...There is another place just outside of Greenville in TR called Marietta Lawn and Garden...Go in there and see Jaime...Good people.They sell stihl and Husky,but no Dolmar....These days I deal with Boiling Springs Small Engine...It's about a 30 minute ride from my house,but worth the trip.....I would stay away from landscapper supply if I were you....I only did a little business with them because when the ice storm hit us last year,they were the only shop who had three 440's in stock,so I went back and bought a 660 and a 650 a month or so later....But before I bought those saws,I would go in there when I was gettin' slack on my ordering from Bailey's and buy oil,files..ect...I would always get kind of a cold shoulder from them,and every saw I bought from them was set dangerously lean...I would highly reccomend either McAbee's or Boiling Springs small engine..Both are excellent to deal with,no matter who you are.
Landscapper supply has been so so to us,but they are too high on their prices.....You don't work that far from McAbee turf and tractor...they are a little pricey,sometimes you can talk them down a little,but they are awesome people to deal with...There is another place just outside of Greenville in TR called Marietta Lawn and Garden...Go in there and see Jaime...Good people.They sell stihl and Husky,but no Dolmar....These days I deal with Boiling Springs Small Engine...It's about a 30 minute ride from my house,but worth the trip.....I would stay away from landscapper supply if I were you....I only did a little business with them because when the ice storm hit us last year,they were the only shop who had three 440's in stock,so I went back and bought a 660 and a 650 a month or so later....But before I bought those saws,I would go in there when I was gettin' slack on my ordering from Bailey's and buy oil,files..ect...I would always get kind of a cold shoulder from them,and every saw I bought from them was set dangerously lean...I would highly reccomend either McAbee's or Boiling Springs small engine..Both are excellent to deal with,no matter who you are.

Thanks for the reply. I went to McAbees after being cold shouldered by LS, and the fellow there was pretty clueless. After I bought my 372, I went back in to get files. The counter guy had to "look everything up". I said, I'm pretty sure I need a 7/32. He: "Well, I need to look it up to be sure." Later, a young fellow came out and spoke with me and he seemed to know saws and was willing to talk. If I'd have spoken with him on my first trip, I probably would have bought a 440/460 from him.

TH, you ever deal with Epps on the west side of Greenville. I think they're a "saw shop", but they are so far from me.

Oh, and has business picked up? Hope it does and you and TC have success.

Thanks for the reply. I went to McAbees after being cold shouldered by LS, and the fellow there was pretty clueless. After I bought my 372, I went back in to get files. The counter guy had to "look everything up". I said, I'm pretty sure I need a 7/32. He: "Well, I need to look it up to be sure." Later, a young fellow came out and spoke with me and he seemed to know saws and was willing to talk. If I'd have spoken with him on my first trip, I probably would have bought a 440/460 from him.

TH, you ever deal with Epps on the west side of Greenville. I think they're a "saw shop", but they are so far from me.

Oh, and has business picked up? Hope it does and you and TC have success.


I used to deal with Epps back when the original owner,Earl,ran it...He retired,and they quit selling husky's so I have no reason to go in there unless I happen to be on that side of town and need a jug of oil or some files or something...They don't even stock 2.5 gallon mix bottles of Stihl mixing oil...You outta take the time and check out Boiling Springs small engine....It depends on who's behind the counter at McAbee's.....I only like to deal with either Levi or Albert...But I haven't seen Albert the last few times I've been in there.I don't guess I've ever even heard of the place in Lyman you speak of
Things have picked up a little,I'll be near Lyman today cutting up a big water oak that I put on the ground yesterday....My business is listed in the Greenville yellow pages under Barkbusters Tree Service if I can ever be of any help to you...The number listed goes directly to me when you call it.
I used to deal with Epps back when the original owner,Earl,ran it...He retired,and they quit selling husky's so I have no reason to go in there unless I happen to be on that side of town and need a jug of oil or some files or something...They don't even stock 2.5 gallon mix bottles of Stihl mixing oil...You outta take the time and check out Boiling Springs small engine....It depends on who's behind the counter at McAbee's.....I only like to deal with either Levi or Albert...But I haven't seen Albert the last few times I've been in there.I don't guess I've ever even heard of the place in Lyman you speak of
Things have picked up a little,I'll be near Lyman today cutting up a big water oak that I put on the ground yesterday....My business is listed in the Greenville yellow pages under Barkbusters Tree Service if I can ever be of any help to you...The number listed goes directly to me when you call it.

You be careful in Lyman. Don't get distracted on 129.;)

I'll give you a call when I have more tree that I can handle.

The Dolmar place is called Davis Equipment. It's on Rogers Bridge Rd. between 101 and 290. Rogers Bridge is just east of I-85.

Oh, and thanks for all your help and info.

You be careful in Lyman. Don't get distracted on 129.;)

I'll give you a call when I have more tree that I can handle.

The Dolmar place is called Davis Equipment. It's on Rogers Bridge Rd. between 101 and 290. Rogers Bridge is just east of I-85.

Oh, and thanks for all your help and info.


Lyman/Duncan is a speed trap.I hate that town....Timberchic herself got pulled over going through there a while back on the way to the emergency room with our son...She was only going 50 in a 40...As soon as the cop came to the window,she tried very hard at first to convince the smart ass officer(without having to pull rank on him) that he was running a 103 fever and that we needed to get to the emergency room NOW.....He told her that she could have gotten someone killed by the way she was driving(by going 50 in a 40???) and demanded her liscence and registration at once....So,she reached into her purse and flashed her badge,I had never seen one of those jerkweed cops in that town become so nice and helpfull all of a sudden.....He even offered to escort us to the hospital......If you wanna get that 372 good and broken in,then you outta come to Boiling Springs with us in the morning and help us cut up the rest of those big water oaks...Anyone who loves running a saw should have a ball:hmm3grin2orange:
Lyman/Duncan is a speed trap.I hate that town....Timberchic herself got pulled over going through there a while back on the way to the emergency room with our son...She was only going 50 in a 40...As soon as the cop came to the window,she tried very hard at first to convince the smart ass officer(without having to pull rank on him) that he was running a 103 fever and that we needed to get to the emergency room NOW.....He told her that she could have gotten someone killed by the way she was driving(by going 50 in a 40???) and demanded her liscence and registration at once....So,she reached into her purse and flashed her badge,I had never seen one of those jerkweed cops in that town become so nice and helpfull all of a sudden.....He even offered to escort us to the hospital......If you wanna get that 372 good and broken in,then you outta come to Boiling Springs with us in the morning and help us cut up the rest of those big water oaks...Anyone who loves running a saw should have a ball:hmm3grin2orange:

Wow. The Duncan PD is about as bad. A buddy got a ticket for stopping in a school zone when he dropped a child off late one day. I guess you are to slow a bit and let them bail out.:bang:

I still have lots of blocking to do. With kid's soccer, etc. I end up cutting an hour or two at a time. I bought a 2/3 acre behind my house to protect myself from a new housing develpment. It's covered in nice, mature trees. So, it's where the kids play and I get firewood.

Good luck in BS,

I've got no respect for the Lyman,Duncan or Welford police..One of my wife's best friends was a officer in Welford.She left the department because she couldn't stand how they were made to operate...I have no doubt that if my wife hadn't flashed her badge that dumb ass would have written her a ticket and that would have held us up for another 30 minutes.He absolutely showed no sympathy at all towards our son...She's gone through the whole deffensive/aggressive driving training at the academy and even though she could have probably gotten away with loading us all up in her patrol car and going lights and siren to the ER...She purposely decided to drive her personal car and obey the rules...If we had been going 70 or 80 through there,It would have been one thing,but 50 in a 40??..And it was on 29..a long straight two lane highway.He had double pneumonia,which is why we were headed to the ER,and if he would have held us up then his situation could have really gotten bad.That same officer now works under my wife at the county,well that was until she went on leave..But when she goes back,he'll still be under her...I bet he feels kinda dumb now..
Are you familiar with TimberTech in Greenville?

He's sacked out on the couch..But yeah,we've seen their trucks around..Neither one of us knows who owns that outfit..They seem to have some nice trucks....I know he is good friends,but arch enemies with the guy who owns Schneider Tree Care..I'm sure you've seen them around
He's sacked out on the couch..But yeah,we've seen their trucks around..Neither one of us knows who owns that outfit..They seem to have some nice trucks....I know he is good friends,but arch enemies with the guy who owns Schneider Tree Care..I'm sure you've seen them around

TimberTech was recommeded by a landscapper friend and they've done good work for me. One messy tree removal after the Dec. 05 storm.

I've used Jackie from Schneider before they bought her out (I think that's how it went).