Sawtroll, them's dangerous waters there! sure, the 361 is only $150 more than the budget and would be a nicer saw than the 290, BUT, if you're going to up the budget to $550, then you are up to the dolmar 7900, which will eat the 361 (and 440, and 460) and spit out the bolts. suddenly you have a big saw that goes through 18" wood like a lightsaber but is bigger and heavier than you wanted to begin with, so now you are back to looking for another $400 saw in the 50-60cc size for medium duty cutting!
Its a snowball effect that we all know too well!
On second thought Auntmeme, maybe you better block this site from your husband, too much time with us and your husband may end up with 3-4 (or more) new saws!! not that there's anything wrong with that..............
Its an addiction we all suffer from, with no cure in sight!!! you start cutting wood, buy a saw, cut more wood, suddenly it takes longer to load the 15 saws into the pickup to go cutting than the actual cutting time. factor in the time spent cleaning and lovingly caressing your saws, and you may not see much of him once the addiction takes hold!