I saw it on Ebay/Craigslist

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No rich guy here, you missed the joke on that one. :hmm3grin2orange:
ha! I got it, I was just razzing you guys on them high end antiques. You were doing a variation on something I did a couple times, go throw a suit on and test drive some high end italian muscle car action...heh oh ya sure I got a quarter mil right here in me wallet....

See if all ya'all had some sportin blood amongst yourselves and one of you wind up with the saw. If you had say a dozen guys with one designated good bidder, with the others as just part of the bankroll, they you would get the saw. Even steven shares. Then a drawing to see who got it. Just a weirdo thought I had at the time, no biggee.

For real though I think them ebay bids for the real old stuff are out to lunch, better to just keep working on barn finds, etc, scrap heap finds whatever. They make brand new big saws now that are just fine for that kinda money. I see paying that much for those old saws as sort of feeding the expensive trolls. I mean I don't care a whole lot what folks spend their money on, but that bidding frenzy is putting old saws into the ridiculous expensive level.

Not for me, I ain't got that much sportin blood and no burning desire for a shelf or garage full of queens...heh I just like reliable runners, that's about it. Working tools. Not much into antiques or collectibles or anything like that, never have been. I'd buy more recent vintage good runners, top shelf quality, but even those are too expensive for me, so I am learning to work on the older stuff, and those 70s-80s era poulans hit a sweet spot on relatively cheap, seems to be still around on good numbers to score, easy to work on, make good working tools.

Got my other 3400 working yesterday, runs swell now that it actually has a low speed needle screw, and today cleaned out the oiler and put a new diaphragm in. I'll try it out tomorrow. didn't really need a new one I found out after I took it apart, but I had a new one (got 2 NOS) so whut the heck used it, and saved the old one, just wiped it off. It was packed with oilysawdust dirt gunk inside the housing was the main no oiling issue. Sprayed it all out, cleaned it, got that plunger dealie unstuck. I put a foam piece scrap in the manual oiler rod channel, see if that will keep the gunk out better. Also want to cob a starter side cover screw locater forcing cone, couple of the screws on that side are hard to get just right started. Thinking just strip the paint down there, rough it up, a little bit of jbweld made into a funnel shape, so the screw really just falls into the hole and no micro fishing around.

Still need to find me a d176 mount bar and a loop or 2 of 24" or a little better, to use on that 245a. I like it, it pulls hard, but it is a serious gas hog and only needed for some cuts and felling, the 3400s I got should get better mileage when I start using them, one with a 20, one with a 16 (I think, not sure yet)

I don't have enough trade bait yet to really participate hard on the swap meat. Only been accumulating parts and saws less than a year now (all real cheap or free) I've been concentrating on the poulans, ain't hardly touched the homies yet. Two look close, the rest, meh, parts. I did get one outstanding pioneer/partner, down to not much more needed on that one, plus I have a parts saw for it, a 400. If that one is as good as it feels, my little husky will be retiring to backup/emergency duty.

I have an older green machine, but I can not find the parts for it I know I have. Parked it when the oiler went, but I think it is just a leaky tank, nothing really broken. It's a smaller one but ran good, just can't find the clutch cover or bar and chain was on it, buried 8 layers deep in the junk shed someplace, and not a high priority, I got several saws and mowers ahead of that thing anyway.

The little 3cyl Geo Metro was only 1000cc and the 4cyl was only 1200cc, they seem to do right well for themselves.
...meh, might as well drive a caddy.....geo bloatros

I used to have one of these, an 850 spider, convertible, with both tops! Not 1200cc, try 1200 lbs total weight! (wish I still had it actually, most fun and easiest vehicle ever to work on that I ever owned)

Fiat 850 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices

Bet someone else here would have loved to have this Makita 6401 for $150. Dang good thing I went ahead and grabbed it so ya'll fine folks would not be tempted to spend the kids Christmas money...........

Good news!! The feller messaged me to say he had two more he was going to list with in the next hour, looks like he as already listed one of them but it is missing the air filter and cover.
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