He can and wiil. You're talking to a guy who blamed a tap for ruining his cylinder.
This is an epicly worthless troll post, you know that right? Everybody on here has given me a hard time since im the new guy but they have been helpful and informative too.
Absolutely nothing you that you have pecked out about me on your keyboard has had any substance or value. Its ALL been negative and condescending.
This week im going to louisiana to volunteer my time and energy for storm cleanup, then im going to fix a members clutch cover here for free, then im going do yardwork for an elderly neighbor and then ill start my new public seevice job.
I may not have 1/10th of the saw wisdom that you have, in fact, since you have been so studiously stalking my every post, i DID kill a mini mac cylinder knowing that new ones cost about $10 and i have another one on the way.... But you know what?
I could kill 10 mini macs and probably still be more useful and positive to the world.
Nobody likes a manchild internet bully and you're not winning cyber cool points here.
Im not sure if youve noticed, but every time i called you out on your predatory schoolyard antics, you're friends have only been able to defend you by saying "thats just thomas, hes kind of retarded, different, an A-hole until you beg his friendship and he accepts, ect"
Not even your friends here can adequately excuse your actions.
On the streets this usually goes: ask, tell, force, jail.
I dont have those options here and i know it so i will just present the situation like so;
Please, pretty please, stop internet bullying me.... You can if you want, but youre not really hurting my feelings much and only make yourself look like a fool.