If you were a hack what would your business name be?

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Name of hack company??

Some names and their mottos:

Tweekers for trees LLC--We get up, and cut 'em down, we never smile, always frown. (LLC=long list of convictions)

Ladders, Ropes, and dopes INC--We climb the rungs, 1 rope we brung, we lean and top, and thin em too, after we fall, we gonna sue! (INC=Idiots now climbing)

Newbie's saw & Hauling SVC --Daddy said I gotta work, or he will kick me out-the jerk, A truck and poulan took from Pops, Is what we use to hack your tops. (SVC=Stolen Venture Capital)

Sloppy and sons TREECO--I cut em wrong, and always did, I overcharge, and underbid, aint got insurance, or PPE, If I goof up, you cant reach me. (TREECO=Tree Rapists Every Exisitng Canopy Obliterated)
I lost a job last spring to a hack driving an unlicensed bucket truck who bid 30% of what I bid.

The name of the company was:

Poo Monkey Tree Service

No Joke, True Story.
Hazardous Tree Removal

Why is that hack? Or is cutting down trees the customer wants removed the sign of a hack? Sounds like big brother, nanny state stuff to me, if they want it gone, its gone. Its all about the trees, the trees....whatever.
clearance,put down the Hillary campaign brochure for a moment...............

Why is that hack? Or is cutting down trees the customer wants removed the sign of a hack? Sounds like big brother, nanny state stuff to me, if they want it gone, its gone. Its all about the trees, the trees....whatever.

and think about it for a minute.good grief,are ya that uptight?
STUMPMAKERS "we leave nothing but"

Trees, Landscaping and gutter repairs "we also do windows and decks! other companies say they cant make your tree half its size? we can!Discount for all world war one veterans"

Christian tree cutters "doing gods work with a poulan and a prayer, send money now" (ps work my not appear to be done but as long as you believe its been done and know its gods will.)

Gangstaz Treez cutz "Bustin da biarches branches yo."
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Hazardous Tree Removal

"Hazardous Tree Service" has been doing business in SE Louisiana for several years. Whether it is a "Hazardous Tree .... Service" or a "Hazardous ... Tree Service" is a matter of intense local debate.
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Beavis and butthead tree service huh a huh huh yeah yeah ahuh huh

"Yeh, yeh, uhhh that would be cool, like hu hu, cutting down trees"

You win Rope, good one, I loved that show, they would have been the groundsmen that would drive me insane.
I miss those guys sometimes. "Could you take down the tree and remove the wood?"
"he said wood, hu hu hu ah hu hu wood"

I like "Holy c...! Sorry About That" Tree Service

A few years back me and this guy were driving down the road in boom truck with a really good older climber. We were talking like Beavis and Butthead to each other. This guy finally flipped out and told us to ####. Silence for miles, then he started telling us about this dinner at the fish and game club, he said "you should have seen the spread they put on..." We chuckled and couldn't help it "uh, hu, hu, he said spread"
I loved the part where they knocked on the door and say to the
home owner after falling on the house,ahuhhuhahuh houses are extra ahuhahuh yeayeah ahuhuh! I know a service that sort of did that
here,customer called me and apologized for not taking my bid
and wanted me to finish taking the spar down! I did it but told
him I was not responsible for what the other service damaged.
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Hackers Tree Removal and Home Repair-your complete tree and home care service professionals
we do-windows,roofs,framing,sheathing,walls,fences,newly installed skylights,siding, decks,above-ground pools,sun porches, and trees
I got a call from my brother today, he was on a road trip. He says to me "I just saw the best tree service name ever, "------'s Tree Service"". I got a big laugh out of it at the end of a long day. I want to see if anyone can guess the name.

its a common practice among hacks

drop n chop