If you were a hack what would your business name be?

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Pinemartin-Don't worry about it. Only what the people you resepect think about you is what matters. I am called a hack, 'cause I climb with spurs only, but I don't care, because I am a utility guy. And our utility is in the ISA big time, and they watch us climb with spurs no problem, only on this site.

To me a hack is someone who doesn't care about thier guys, is really unsafe, rips off customers, stuff like that. Only thing I will say critical of you-don't use that crap oil in your saws!
Taking business from the bigger outfits doesn't make you a hack neither does wearing spikes... underbidding at the expense of your own company's operating costs which should include insurance and workmans compensation for your crew ( where applicable think: subcontracters) does. Hope this clears things up.
Is a hack some one who does crappy work all the way around or is a hack some one who under cuts bigger tree companies? If the latter than I am a hack, I even have a hack name, out on a limb tree service. My company has been around for 4 years and currently do around 25 to 40 jobs a year. I have paid cash for all my equipment ie, chip truck several saws, ropes, spikes, saddle and other stuff so no overhead. I run a crew of two workers one of which is me the other part time guy gets paid 28$hr, started small and have been growing slowly. I do good work cheep and safe (all full removals) if I under bid you that doesn't make me a hack it makes you over priced. Don't run me down or call me a hack for trying to make something of myself, maybe some day when I run a million dollar company I will call a small company that takes 2% of my business a bunch of hacks because they underbid me......

PS. I have used drain oil as bar oil
I ask no overhead, no insurance, workers comp,license etc?
Do you top,do you offer anything but removals,if not are the trees
you cut down sick dead? Anyway just something to think about,
many license requirements carry a hefty fine if they catch you,
paying cash hmm, makes someone wander if you are legitimate!
I will not say yes or no but some of these questions would better
help us decide!
Is a hack some one who does crappy work all the way around or is a hack some one who under cuts bigger tree companies?

It either means you are a specialist and can price the work better, or are underselling your work and cheating yourself.

If you will do addon work for the customer, lop that big limb off, gaff a quick trim... then maybe you are.

The arborist will do what the client needs, while limiting the harm to the trees.

If all you do is removals, then I would say you are neither a hack or an arborist, you are a tree removal technician. All you do is cut wood.
There's a company near me called:

Cut Em Down Tree Service
Got trees in your way? Call Cut Em Down today!

No joke. I think my neighbor works with them because I see a company car there a lot.

The work that I do mostly includes lot clearing, storm damage and dead, cracked, or diseased trees. I will not take down a tree that is perfectly healthy unless it is a danger to a house/garage or some other area where it could cause property damage. A few times I got calls on trees that were merely a eye sore or had gotten to big for there area, this is where I hand out cards for a bigger tree service in my area that has a great deal of experience in trimming they also have a bucket truck where I do not. By the way I am licensed and I do offer insurance on certain jobs where needed, this gets back to the no overhead thing again as My business is small I don't have the extra money flow to keep insurance year round so when needed I get venue or event insurance which is added to the quote for said job. My part time help is paid cash so I do not pay workman's comp however there is a 250,000$ life insurance policy that I keep for him. long story on my groundie he worked for trees Inc. and fell out of a tree about 5 years ago and got messed up real bad, pins/screws the whole nine yards. He wants to get paid cash and he is a hell of a good worker so I do what is necessary to keep him, I'm happy he's happy and we work very well together. Until I have the resources to quit my full time job and grow my business this is how it gets run.....

quote of the day

opinions are like armpits, everyone has two and they both usually stink..
we had one here a few years back - guy was just like the ones ya'll mention.... called himself "Shady tree service!"
this is for the line clearance people since we all have been called hacks.

"You Plant em / We Slant em"

we used to called it the scared look, the tree looks like it's scared of the line.
paying cash hmm, makes someone wander if you are legitimate!
that has nothing to do with being legit, people can get loans and cash the check or in most cases cash means that it was bought and paid for, no financing .....everything I have is paid for and it is MINE can't no one come get it.
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Can't get a tree removal permit for that healthy tree...call

Hal Hatchet & Al Axe Tree Girdleing Specialists for those who are not in a hurry, payment plans available.