Here's my favorite stump. I posted it a while ago on the logging site. I think the cutter killed it though. I wish I could have driven today. My knees are feeling it!
"Riverbottoms" where I hunt are 1,500 feet straight down...
I figured as much. Here in flatland river bottoms are the best hunting ground. Lot of small hills and small shears but nothing like the extreme landscape where you live. That would be a challenge. Loved your pics, post more when you can!
There aint no 4x4in' your way into the big whitetails here in Kansas, unless you hit one on the highway. The Older, bigger, smart bucks stay back in the timber along the river bottoms. The only time of year a person would smack a big buck here with their truck is now, during the rut. The 1st and 2nd year deer litter the highways year round the past 2 years. The whitetail numbers are out of control here.
Only if the state of Jefferson really existed! I don't care for Portland liberals dictating to the rural conservatives communities... But now that I have that off my chest, thanks for the welcome! Which part of the greater PNW do you live in?
Similar here. Too many deer. They come right to the dang door. The big bucks here are not that shy though. The one I photographed yesterday was 40 feet from the carport. I could have taken him out with the 30-30 in a minute. This place is a hunter's paradise. But it is borning. Open the window, point and shoot. Blam! Dinner... then watch the rest of the football game on TV... no sport in that.