Here are a couple of Super Pro 80's with 24" bars I got working and I added the bow bar to a 10-10 for a little fun.
Getting shop time in fits and starts with the D-44, but at least that 'coon poop is gone from the tank.
She cleaned up nice CPR.
Did yours have the big wick filter?
I have a 44 Super that is real bad in the tank.
Another project down the road.
Uncle gave it to me.
Looking to learn all the mods on this saw. What all can i do with it?
Don't expect much from it... It's not a "true" McCulloch anyhow... more like a Wild Thing or a Wood Shark...
Then start hackin' on it mang!
It has a big felt filter looks like an olive drab dragonfly sans tail. That thing was hidious. I'm soaking it in a bath of fresh mix to see what happens. If that doesn't clean it up I may try a diesel soak... I'd rather use kerosene, but nobody around here sells it anymore.
... Ive loosened all the bolts
It has a big felt filter looks like an olive drab dragonfly sans tail. That thing was hidious. I'm soaking it in a bath of fresh mix to see what happens. If that doesn't clean it up I may try a diesel soak... I'd rather use kerosene, but nobody around here sells it anymore.
No im positive all the bolts are out. the recoil come off all in one piece. its just the plastic cover thats holding me back now.are you sure? try prying a bit? is the rope in the recoil or did it come out around the flywheel perhaps?
i have 2 of those i got for near free ( parts lot was paid for, and these are left overs....)
I have a 3818 Mac you can have to practice on it is totally shot but has sum parts on it the person that gave it to me used liquid metal to hold the spark on but it still has rings pull start and stuff if you want it just pay shipping sore I have spelling problems read the best you can
Any ideas?
Not to be a poophead... but you're asking the wrong cat.
You couldn't pay me to waste my time on saws like those. Even to learn. I run all stock saws. Big all stock saws. Not even any muffler mods. I just use a bigger saw for bigger jobs. Most "mods" are a complete waste of time... unless you are fallin' timber for a living. Then a modded 70cc to 85cc saw is the cats @ass... lots of power in a light packable package...