I've been fooling around with a D44 the past week between back spasms, but put it away for a while waiting for a carb kit.
I drug the 797 out and decided to see if I could figure out how to square file a chisel bit chain. I've never filed, seen filed, or used square chisel chain before, so had to figure out how to replicate the grind on old chain.
The first cut went pretty good, but saw didn't seem quite right, I realized I hadn't closed the compression release. The next cut went even better.
The log was a standing dead western hemlock I cut a couple of years ago. It's hardness is rated with doug fir, but this log has a lot of water in it and has been frozen to 10deg for the last two months( I know, that doesn't seem so cold to you southern boys, but this is Alaska, not Wisconsin or Minnesota ). It was getting dark by the time I got outside to make the cuts so they don't show too good. I'll try to get out today and make some cuts in the daylight.