Found this saw on CL sunday. The guy was selling his dads saw who's passed away a few years ago. He's moving onto a house boat and didn't want to keep it. I had no problem giving him the $60 he was asking.
Came with a 2nd brand new chain to fit the 24" bar, a Mac file & joint guide, as well as assorted files and other trinkets.
I scraped 20 years of oil/sawdust inside and out. Cleaned the carb and anywhere else I could reach easily.
Found it's got electronic ignition which surprised me because no E after 81. Glad to find it.
Piston is beautiful, compression is 145.
Only downfall is the fixed carb.
But after a few pulls, she came back to life with a puff of smoke and after some fine tuning, purrs like a kitten.....a big (82cc.)kitten.
I thought the E meant it was electric start. I used to work for a fellow that used a Mac 6-10E and his had electric start. Might have been 7-10, not sure but I am sure about it being an electric start and having the E on the decal.