McCulloch Chain Saws

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I repaired a Craftsman saw today that had never had the air filter cleaned, a oil tank full of burnt motor oil, and the crankshaft was snapped off from running the chain so tight. The sprocket was nearly cut in two. People truly abuse their saws. During this time of year I'm swamped with repair work, but it pays the bills. :D

What's wrong with all of that?

That's status quo!

Here a shot of the oil tank, the bottom mounting point is for the spike is missing. If anyone has a good one let me know.


Nice saw you have there but that broken oil tank bottom is
no good.

I was looking through a box of mac parts for a coil for CPR but
there was no coil in there.:cry:

I did find these tank things. Now what im I going to do with these?
There was 3 of them, I don't need all three of them. :biggrinbounce2:




Kasey is on

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And my ex wife says I have a very dry sense of humor. This is evidence of what she knows: everything, just ask her. Nice set of dogs on a classy saw, Randy. You do have a saw or two that isn't in the straw pile lol
Jeff, your "Wish you were here" post completely cracked me up, I laughed hard. It showed up at a good time too, Fryday nights have a high stress level here, you certainly helped me push it back. Thank you.

BTW still laughing.
Sooooo... I gave the 250 to my buddy Matt tonight. He was totally shocked when I dropped it off...

Yellow Fever has been spread... Here he is... proud of his prize. He's hooked... Mu-ah hahahahahah!


His wife told me I'm an enabler... :laugh:

Yup... nose wasn't busted, and still have a few "sore" spots... but... I've been much worse. However, I might have broken my ring finger on my right hand. It's still pretty swollen. Might have to have a quack look at it. :laugh:

LP- First you find the handle with the rope attached then pull. Most Macs you pull hard and more than a couple times. Sometimes theres voodoo and sacrifice either to get it to start, or for penance for using other saw brands. The high priests here know more about it, I just sit in the pew and look awake.
Sooooo... I gave the 250 to my buddy Matt tonight. He was totally shocked when I dropped it off...

Yellow Fever has been spread... Here he is... proud of his prize. He's hooked... Mu-ah hahahahahah!


His wife told me I'm an enabler... :laugh:


Stick a fork in him, he is done.

Yup... he's prolly on ebay and craigslist as we speak... :laugh:


Ha!!! One more added to The Rolls. Look at 'em. He can't even let go of the saw...:ices_rofl:

Have you tried a clutch side start with a choke you have to hold? Or maybe a D-36?
Best way is to hold them on a log- well best way I have found.

Somebody learn the NEWB a thing or 2 on starting please?

Yes I have Zach. That's why I'm converting my "790" Saw of Mystery over to LH start. It has RH start and a Tilly HL with a choke. For now, the drill is as follows:

1)Place right knee on tank cover just behind handlebar.

2)Place heel of right hand on top of the rear grip (but backwards from 'normal').

3)Squeeze throttle with middle, ring, or pinky finger of right hand.

4)Press choke button down with thumb of right hand.

5)Pull rope with left hand, and pray she lights soon so you can get the hell out of that awkward possition.

That saw's actualy not that bad as far as starting is concerned, thank God. If the RH starter assembly on it wasn't so beat up, I might actualy leave it as is. Since I have all the LH start stuff available however, I'm just gonna make me a "790L" instead...:cheers:

McCullochs that have the "push and hold" sliding cup choke button directly above the centerline of the rear handle are much harder to do "the drill" with than the D44/1-70/600/700/800/etc family saws (which have the cool pivoted oiler and choke/primer buttons). It's easiest just to be a wuss and have somebody hold the trigger in and push the choke button forward while you pull the rope. You're probably better off just using a spray bottle and spritzing some mix down the throat when cold-starting, unless the saw is wearing a big bar and you can rest the bar on a log.

The Choke setup used on the 250-type saws is MUCH better. I really like the push button with the "bolt action" locking setup. Best of both worlds IME. You can lock the choke on for cold starting, yet it's still useable as a 'momentary on' push button deal if you need to richen things up for a sec on the fly (or fog out some skeeters). Just gotta make sure the linkage is bent correctly so that the choke is fully locked when you engage the 'bolt action' button lock. I just wish McCulloch had put trigger high-idle locks on the saws. That would have freed up both hands, so you could hold the handlebar with one hand and pull with the other. For some damn reason, all of my C-series Homelites are missing the lock hardware, so I've had to start 'em Mac-Style until I eventualy install those bits. My XP1020 is the first saw of that family that actualy had all the lock hardware when I got the saw...

My McCulloch 77 is MUCH worse in the starting ergonomics department than any other Mac I've dealt with. It has a primer, so you don't have to hold the choke on (at least). However, you must hold the throttle open to get it lit. With the shape of the saw (tank is really tall), getting into "the possition" is terribly uncomfortable. The last time I cold started it, I drafted my 9 year old daughter into service. "Hold this trigger in until I tell you let go honey"....:D
Nice 380 Walt. I'm going to pick up a 300 that looks almost just like that in a couple of weeks. Family saw pickin' trip! :D

Look Zach...........a "bolt action" turn-to-lock type choke button!:ices_rofl:

I love that setup, I love this saw...Thinking I'll powder coat the case if my new scrap oven shows up, next spring I'm going to make an outside double barrel wood fired powder coating oven, figure I can spray em and bake em on the spot.
Just tape it up between the other fingers. If you broke the knuckle, it will come back and haunt yer ass.
Just wait until you cross 40, an asprin addiction is in your future.

Already there Pard'. 42 and have been on a diet of 2 Ibuprofen every mornin', and 2 more in the evenin' for quite some time.

What happened gary ?

I kinda broke my right ring finger on some loudmouths punk's left cheekbone. 2 of his buddies tried to "help"... :laugh:
