Not yet. I got my tank seals.from traverse creek today and it finally stopped seeping gas. It runs and oils and i will try it tomorrow. So what jethro referrs to....a few moons ago i got a pm700 engine off ebay. Had a scratch on the piston. The seller accepted my 75 dollar offer and i put a new piston in it. Ive had a 2-10 for several years now that ran well but i have a 70cc engine sitting and boy do they run better than the 54cc engines.....get where im going??
I took it apart and put all the peices onto the pm700 engine. So ive got a right hand start pm700. Weighs in at 17lbs with a 20" bar and chain on it. For comparison my pm700 weighs 19.5 lbs with a 16" bar and chain. Its a points saw from the 2-10 and flywheel, clutch, tank, etc. Pm700 rear shroud for the decomp. Oil pump from a parts oil tank, both manual and auto pumps, carb is an sdc37, but i used the adjustment needles and extensions from the sdc 2 on the 2-10. The air filter cover is just yellow, no stickers. It also has a dual key way crankshaft that actually was on a 7-10 i think. So it worked very well going together. Snappy and not heavy. My 6-10 for instance weighs 16.5 lbs. Its very light and nimble. But has an 18 inch bar and .325 chain. So it was a fun project that is complete. On to the next project..
Might just be a homelite for another fella. I didnt forget you ed.