formerly promac610
That's not really a raise. It has a little more stopping power but accuracy and distance just don't compare to the hmr
Well, I have it, no .17 hmr here. I plan on getting one someday.
That's not really a raise. It has a little more stopping power but accuracy and distance just don't compare to the hmr
Even on a little 16" bar? With a ported 850? Wow, I guess 8 pin would be the one to use, then.
With a 16" bar in 12" wood, it'll do it, but you can still stall it. Plus, you'll have to add a link or 2 to the chain, or you'll never get it on. Put an 8 and run it unless you're going long.
How many cc's it that DE 50? 50cc? Or am I yet again incorrectly using numbers of saw models to determine cc's...
I see a Devil Beaver in there...
50.9cc sir. This saw is super smooth man, no vibes at all. Really snappy throttle response.
Cool, I'll call it 51cc then.I'd imagine these were among the last of the McCullochs made in the U.S. before they went chi-com Pooplan* style.
Of course, it's plastic, but appears to be very well made to me. Much better looking than a Pooplan* I will have to look for one. CAD... :msp_rolleyes:
* Disclaimer: Pooplans are not affiliated in any way to the real metal Poulans of yesteryear... not in any tiny way. Pooplans suck. Wild Things excluded... With a bit of tuning, modifications, and porting, these WT's are surprisingly quick and appear to be quite reliable. Will have to get one someday.
Actually man this saw is an Italian Mac. Built by Alpina/Oleo Mac/Efco. This was in between the North American saws and the Taiwanese or whatever.
I thought at first it was just another plastic saw, but after some looking there is less plastic that I thought. The clutch cover/chain brake assembly are magnesium.
Pretty decent build quality actually.
I stand corrected yet again... still learning here...
I've heard a lot about Alpinas, Oleo Macs and Efcos. I think they all are well made saws. I held an Efco 162 at Menards (yes, I will not buy it here) and it is very light and feels well made. I will get one someday.I want one of these...
Model Profile: Super Pro 120
Who wouldn't want that beast? :msp_love:
I was actually somewhat impressed by this saw, in it's fit and finish and in the way it runs. Has a certain sound to it.
It's kind of large for a more modern saw at 50ccs, but look at my sig, it's probably the lightest ones I have other than the top handles and the Super EZ.
Well you'd better wrap ya fingers around an SP125 it will make the 120 look like crap
Hey McBob, what brings you out?
Well you'd better wrap ya fingers around an SP125 it will make the 120 look like crap