That saw is running fat fat fat!! Looks good in that big log.
Yep... breaking her in. I can be quite overcautious when it comes to this, but geez it sure seems to have paid off... this thing has insane compression, so I guess I did real good!!
Yeah it sounds like it is 4 stroking in the cut. I drank a whole cup of coffee watching you make that first cut.
This is the way you want to cut through a big log. This saw wasn't even running right.
Yeah... now that thing's cooking pretty good!!
The 850 cuts a whole lot stronger and faster now that I run her much leaner than the video I posted... remember this video was made some time ago and was the first bit of work the 850 ever had to do, so I wanted to avoid running her too hot and too hard and causing a problem. Never had a problem with her until recently with the carb issue which was a result of the fuel filter falling off a while later, before I did too much cutting with it.
Now I got an oiler issue...
Clogged oiler? Is that typical of these saws? (I assume it's typical of any saw) The manual and automatic oilers are not working... She did fine the last time I had her out cutting. I do have regular old school Oregon bar and chain lube in there... it's tacky but not really thick enough to be a problem in these temps... it pours well.
One more question... is there supposed to be some kind of filter or screen on the pickup line in the bar oil tank? I know for a fact that the 850 didn't and still doesn't have a filter on the oil pickup line.
Sorry guys, guess the 850 just didn't want to make noodles today.
So... the affectionately known and loved "Ugly, loud, and heavy yellow bastard" came out to work today. Made noodles with that one... Didn't bother to make a video since most don't give much of a rip about the lead assed yellow cinder blocks... I still love mine anyhow and it's not that much trouble to swing it around.
Keep reading if you wish to. Not gonna make you read everything. It's simply a tourist's guide to my planned adventures regarding some stuff. Like yellow stuff...
Still have some big rounds of maple that I can do test cuts on with the 790 when I get around to finishing that. Speaking of which, I got a check to cash and then we'll see about that place for boring the cylinder sometime tomorrow...
Next thing to get would be some spare chains for the 28" bar on the 850 (have a local shop that I'm getting to know the guy that runs it... he said he'll sell me chain and bars for a better price) and a carb kit for the McFlatback that is destined to fuel 6 cubes of raw power...