McCulloch Chain Saws

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Alright thanks everyone for the imput, thats why I come here! Im going to confirm the coil is good with a ohm meter and then get the chip. Anyone have a link/website to the best deal on one?? Thanks again

That may be my problem! The fuel is getting to the carb, I watched it through the tygon tubing. It runs after I give it a shot down the throat and that's about it. Does the wafer just lift out? Seems like its fragile to me and I didn't want to pry on it and risk breaking it. Shoot some carb cleaner down the fuel line elbow?
I feel as though I have not been contributing lately, so just to remind you I have a few McCulloch saws around...






I will be home again in another week, can't wait to see what's come in while I've been gone.

That may be my problem! The fuel is getting to the carb, I watched it through the tygon tubing. It runs after I give it a shot down the throat and that's about it. Does the wafer just lift out? Seems like its fragile to me and I didn't want to pry on it and risk breaking it. Shoot some carb cleaner down the fuel line elbow?

Yep. Just pry it out. Probably varnished in place. Soak it with carb spray for a few minutes, then pick it out with a small screwdriver. I like to lay the filter cover side down on a rag and hose it good with carb spray. I then hold it with the cover side away from me and blast it dry with compressed air. I've never broken one, but willl send you a good used filter if you manage to break yours. If the filter side of the cover is rusted/corroded, be SURE to sand/clean all the crud off so the sealing face is smooth and flat. Tighten it down good, but be sure the cover is centered on a new gasket. Don't break the cover screw. These covers like to weep, especially if the sealing surface has corrosion. BTDT....
I have been a little busy this week swamped in 10-10's, I got 2 running and still have 3 left to put back together. Here is a video of the latest and some pics of my running 10 series.

I have been a little busy this week swamped in 10-10's, I got 2 running and still have 3 left to put back together. Here is a video of the latest and some pics of my running 10 series.


You may have to change your "Handle". McCulloch Jim hasn't been taken, that I know of..
Yep. Just pry it out. Probably varnished in place. Soak it with carb spray for a few minutes, then pick it out with a small screwdriver. I like to lay the filter cover side down on a rag and hose it good with carb spray. I then hold it with the cover side away from me and blast it dry with compressed air. I've never broken one, but willl send you a good used filter if you manage to break yours. If the filter side of the cover is rusted/corroded, be SURE to sand/clean all the crud off so the sealing face is smooth and flat. Tighten it down good, but be sure the cover is centered on a new gasket. Don't break the cover screw. These covers like to weep, especially if the sealing surface has corrosion. BTDT....

Thanks Aaron!! Wasn't it..... but I did get it out and cleaned. The spring under the metering lever got loose and made its way nearer the end farthest from the needle. When I pushed on it, it worked but it was to strong for the fuel pump to over come. Got it back in place and bingo!!! Third pull and she's a good runner. Freed the check ball in the oiler hole near the bar and she's all better. Gave her a spike to match her character and to defend herself against other saws.

Nice old fat bottomed girl!!

haaahaahahahhahhahhahhhhaahhahhahahhhhaaaaaahhhahahahhahahahahahahahaha..........hahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahah.........hahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahah. Man my chest hurts from laughing so hard.

CHAINSAW------mac 24inch
Looking at a nice running 805. Always been interested in these, last of Mac's pro saws......

What would you give for one in nice, running condition, from the original owner? Looked at ebay, BIN prices are outrageous, way more than this guy wants......His price still seems high, but I'm not into paying more than I should for something that's just for fun.

Just looking for some honest opinions. Looks like a bunch of you have some great projects going, thanks as always for sharing.

Thanks - Sam
haaahaahahahhahhahhahhhhaahhahhahahhhhaaaaaahhhahahahhahahahahahahahaha..........hahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahah.........hahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahah. Man my chest hurts from laughing so hard.

CHAINSAW------mac 24inch

I have a JRed 801 with a 28 inch bar and chain for the same price, and I just picked up 3 of these, now have 2 running for $5.
Looking at a nice running 805. Always been interested in these, last of Mac's pro saws......

What would you give for one in nice, running condition, from the original owner? Looked at ebay, BIN prices are outrageous, way more than this guy wants......His price still seems high, but I'm not into paying more than I should for something that's just for fun.

Just looking for some honest opinions. Looks like a bunch of you have some great projects going, thanks as always for sharing.

Thanks - Sam

$100 to $350 for an all original, well cared and low use saw; but that just me, I can't speak for others. Ron.
Looking at a nice running 805. Always been interested in these, last of Mac's pro saws......

What would you give for one in nice, running condition, from the original owner? Looked at ebay, BIN prices are outrageous, way more than this guy wants......His price still seems high, but I'm not into paying more than I should for something that's just for fun.

Just looking for some honest opinions. Looks like a bunch of you have some great projects going, thanks as always for sharing.

Thanks - Sam

I paid $80 for my really nice SP81 and a total of $55 for a CP70 that I put a PM850 engine into. A lot to do on the price is location, I pick most 10x series saws up for .20 cents a pound and never more than $100 on Craigslist. Here is my fleet, the 82 cc saws are the best in the series then on down but all are great saws to cut wood with.
haaahaahahahhahhahhahhhhaahhahhahahhhhaaaaaahhhahahahhahahahahahahahaha..........hahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahah.........hahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahah. Man my chest hurts from laughing so hard.

CHAINSAW------mac 24inch

Heck, I GAVE one of those (a 10-10A) away in the Stumpbroke raffle. Looked almost the same, except mine had a 16" hardnose and a new loop of chain on it. I bought it for $25 (running) at a yard sale........then cleaned it up, rebuilt the carb, and replaced a few things (including the chain, which Jeff bought for the raffle giveaway) before sending it on its way to Josh.

I paid $80 for my really nice SP81 and a total of $55 for a CP70 that I put a PM850 engine into. A lot to do on the price is location, I pick most 10x series saws up for .20 cents a pound and never more than $100 on Craigslist. Here is my fleet, the 82 cc saws are the best in the series then on down but all are great saws to cut wood with.

I got my SP-81 in trade for doing some work on another saw (Homelite 750 that needed a good strip/CLEANING, a carb rebuild, an intake boot replacement, and some other work). My SP-81 wasn't a runner, but just took some serious cleanup, a carb kit, a fuel line, and a starter rehab to get back in business. My PM700 came to me along with an SXL-925 in trade for a big Husky. It was already a runner. My 7-10A came to me (along with a Homelite Super E-Z auto) in trade for a little Stihl that I refreshed and put a new B/C on. Neither saw was a runner, but they weren't too far from it.


My point is that these 10-series saws are out there. If you're not in a big hurry, even the 82cc saws (which are the most desireable) can be found still for decent money. Ebay's gotten stupid (for both the 70 and 82cc Macs), but that "market pricing" only comes into play if you need to get the thing ASAP. It's not like they're an 895C or BP-1. McCulloch made tons of 'em, and stropped production not too long ago (compared to those "holy grail" Macs)....
My point is that these 10-series saws are out there. If you're not in a big hurry, even the 82cc saws (which are the most desireable) can be found still for decent money. Ebay's gotten stupid (for both the 70 and 82cc Macs), but that "market pricing" only comes into play if you need to get the thing ASAP. It's not like they're an 895C or BP-1. McCulloch made tons of 'em, and stropped production not too long ago (compared to those "holy grail" Macs)....

They made the PM805 and the Double Eagle 80 clear into the later 90's, so over 30 years of production with many different variants, I would never buy one of Ebay when I can get them here cheap, most I have found in the scrap heap, there are three more on my floor in my shop waiting for me to work on them and 2 at my friends work waiting to become 100cc.
They made the PM805 and the Double Eagle 80 clear into the later 90's, so over 30 years of production with many different variants, I would never buy one of Ebay when I can get them here cheap, most I have found in the scrap heap, there are three more on my floor in my shop waiting for me to work on them and 2 at my friends work waiting to become 100cc.

Yep. The PM8200 too.
$100 to $350 for an all original, well cared and low use saw; but that just me, I can't speak for others. Ron.

Thanks Ron, that puts things into a little better perspective. Guess I'll go take a look at it tomorow. - Sam