McCulloch Chain Saws

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Mark welcome to the SP85 club, these are hard to come by your very lucky, Graeme is a great guy, very helpful


Thanks Lee... I got this saw from Rich Dugan... it's a monster... just not real pretty to look at. The oiler still doesn't wanna pump sometimes. No matter how much I pump it. So I gotta tear that off of there and figure out what the problem is. Or just run some diesel or kerosene through the pump...


My SP125 was the same way with the oiler. I finally removed the whole oil tank and found that the screen on the oil pickup line was packed with sawdust. After flushing it out good it will throw oil off the end of my 36" bar without ever using the manual oil button. You may also need a new composite disk, that acts as the piston, in the auto oiler.
Mac 790/890...

I just picked up my 1st big mac (tasty special

I did some research, as It had NO stickers, ID tag etc, anywhere....:censored:

I guess the bottom of the cyl has it stamped...

There was too much grime on the saw to find it, so today (it was even 30 min after sundown, BUT i was DETERMINED to get the saw cleaned today...) I supercleaned it, and found the stamping on the bottom 790 890..

What is the difference, and if there is a difference, how do I tell??

anyone have any info on this saw? coolness factor is there, that's for sure!! :clap::clap:

TONS of compression...I have yet to get it running, but it's in damn good shape... has a dealer sticker on IT's been maintained at some point. Factory MAC bar too...I don't think it was used a hell of a lot..

Thoughts on general value??

I need a muffler, but I'm gonna fire it up beforehand anyway... are these avail, hard to find, etc??

Thanks more to add to the collection... I need a PM1000 to make me feel content for now... and a sp85 to tie in my Dolmar/Mcculloch/Partner

Any info/thoughts/etc would be great...

thanks guys.


I may have answered my own question..

the 890 is a gear reduction unit...with the felling dog on the outside of the bar..

the 790 is a direct drive, with the felling dog on the inside... (this is what I have...) still a muscle saw I guess...:)
The 890 is a gear drive... the 790 is not. post up some pics. :)


EDIT: Capri beat me by a couple of minutes! :laugh:

HEHE! :cheers:

The A-DD sometimes gets the better of me when it comes to scanning for info...I've looked at a ton of pics lately to try to figure out what it was... thus where I found out how to find a general model #..

Now, here's a question, with the stampings I've found, is that the end-all as to what model?? such as, could it be a 795/797/S797, etc?? how would one tell, if so..

Pics soon to come... I might restore this just for fun, mainly cause it's complete minus the muffler and shut-off knob-thingy is broken...).. gotta find paint to match (might suck it up and go to the autopaint dealer...)

It's BEASTLY and heavy, but cool.

As far as I know, the 790 should be all you need to know, 790 is direct drive, 890 is gear drive.

The 790 does not have a compression release (the 740 does not have a compression release either), the 795 and 797 models all have a compression release.

A 790 that is a runner is a pretty nice saw, should be 103cc's if memory serves me.

As far as I know, the 790 should be all you need to know, 790 is direct drive, 890 is gear drive.

The 790 does not have a compression release (the 740 does not have a compression release either), the 795 and 797 models all have a compression release.

A 790 that is a runner is a pretty nice saw, should be 103cc's if memory serves me.

Mark, what's your thoughts on compression releases? I've had some that had it, some that didn't and I really can't tell much difference. I've had small ones that had it and big ones that didn't so I guess the size of the engine isn't the determining factor.
As far as I know, the 790 should be all you need to know, 790 is direct drive, 890 is gear drive.

The 790 does not have a compression release (the 740 does not have a compression release either), the 795 and 797 models all have a compression release.

A 790 that is a runner is a pretty nice saw, should be 103cc's if memory serves me.


103 is what Acres' site says... a 797 is 123cc so that would have a comp release, as you say?

Ok...this has no comp release...

So I guess to clarify, if the crankcase says '790/890' it's just that. a 797 would specify as such?

Thanks guys....the mystery is fun..

Mark, what's your thoughts on compression releases? I've had some that had it, some that didn't and I really can't tell much difference. I've had small ones that had it and big ones that didn't so I guess the size of the engine isn't the determining factor.

I would dare to say my 797 "needs" the compression release it has. That is one mule of a saw to start without it... an I'm not a small guy...

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Speaking of 797's... I tore the oil pump and tank off of the saw tonight... looks like the pump adjuster screw has some wear on it. Should I just file this flat to take the "burr" off?


Also have a question for Jacob... here is the coil that is on the saw...


Here is the one you sent me...


Here the are compared together (original still in the saw)


I don't think it's gonna worky... The original does work... it's just the plug wire and boot are rotten and cracked. Do you have one that is like what is in the 797? I'll send this other one back to ya...

Also... here is what the fan cover looks like... all busted up and the plastic insert is broke.


MCculloch I 72

A local guy gave me a MCculloch I 72 saw. it has a 3/8 32" BAR. It is not froze up. after a couple pulls it still wont start, Any takers? any offers?
Speaking of 797's... I tore the oil pump and tank off of the saw tonight... looks like the pump adjuster screw has some wear on it. Should I just file this flat to take the "burr" off?

it's not going to shorten the screw to a point where it would prevent proper adjustability, I would suggest finding a nut that would fit the STEEL bolt, to repair the thread if you damage at all while grinding/filing...that way the MAGNESIUM female thread does not get damaged...

Also... here is what the fan cover looks like... all busted up and the plastic insert is broke.



:givebeer:IF I can have some Alaskan beer and your cell phone, you can have my

Don't you know beer and chainsaws go REALLY well together, as long as they are NOT running?!?! :cheers:

A local guy gave me a MCculloch I 72 saw. it has a 3/8 32" BAR. It is not froze up. after a couple pulls it still wont start, Any takers? any offers?

IF shipping wouldn't cost me $80+ I would be...I'm 4k miles away I'd say...

I could use the bar at a minimum.... I have a lowly 24" bar... booo to shipping

Oh, here's some pics of my unit..

It actually cleaned up REALLY well took about an hr with the special 'dirty-greasy-sh*tty-WILL-NOT-work-on-it-till-it's-doused' cleaner... oh, and a scrub brush and tooth brush (yes, I got it back in the bathroom before my wife got home....


I'm missing the muffler outer piece...Is this what most are missing, or the whole unit? I think fabbing something would be fairly simple....maybe polished stainless!!! lol
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So I guess to clarify, if the crankcase says '790/890' it's just that. a 797 would specify as such?

Thanks guys....the mystery is fun..


my previous question may not have been clear..

is the crankcase stamped with the units 'correct' model #, or just a baseline?

ultimately curious about the displacement..

Thanks all!
It's a direct drive, so it is a 790. the 890 should have a line struck through it, there are many McCullochs with two model numbers on the bottom. 790=103cc.
Mark, what's your thoughts on compression releases? I've had some that had it, some that didn't and I really can't tell much difference. I've had small ones that had it and big ones that didn't so I guess the size of the engine isn't the determining factor.

you SHOULD feel a difference...if not, the compression release hole in the cyl maybe carboned up...I've seen this on some saws before.
