Also have a question for Jacob... here is the coil that is on the saw...
Here is the one you sent me...
Here the are compared together (original still in the saw)
I don't think it's gonna worky... The original does work... it's just the plug wire and boot are rotten and cracked. Do you have one that is like what is in the 797? I'll send this other one back to ya...
Hey Gary. You should be able change out the plug wire by itself. The spark plug wire screws down into the coil housing on to what appears to be a sheet metal screw. It also will have some sealant around the coil/plug wire junction to help keep out water & hold it in place.. I think that the coil Jacob sent you will probably work as long as nothing is binding up under the cover when everything is back together. The laminations on both coils appear to be identical to one another. McCulloch was pretty good about using the same components in a variety of saws. What bugs me is that they loved to change the part # from one saw model to the next, even though they were the exact same part. I'd like to beat the marketing guy who came up with that great idea.:greenchainsaw: