Full of Scrap
One of my SP81's got the call today to handle the big wood. We got in a big hurry because the weather was supposed to turn nasty so I did not have time to take pics, of course it was sunny all day. Had a very productive day lugging around some classic American iron, the SP81 never noticed that it was buried in wood. Why is it that all the good firewood is always vertical and just out of cable reach to the road? Well more time behind the saw as we had to buck in 8 to 10 foot sections to roll down the hill. Seems that all the dead trees close to the road are either rotten or full of ants, I love cutting a face cut and then ants come pouring out like lava. I also saw a few farmer back cuts, a green tree with a nice face cut in a no cutting area(oops), and fresh elk poo on a the trunk of a tree I had just felled, I must have been enjoying the SP81 to not see that.