That's funny stuff, but it happens to the best of us.
One time I went to a GTG where they would be racing saws, so I brought a ported dolmar 7910 along with a nice chain I had done up for it. When I arrived I saw a friend there and he and I were talking, then I break out the 7910 and fire it up, but it wouldn't rev much over 4k

(I had a tach on it so I could tell exactly). I couldn't figure it out and he was telling me it was too fat, which technically it was, but I knew the tune wasn't the problem because it had run perfect the day prior. Ends up I decided to change out the plug and had set the old one in the HD air filter holder and I didn't see it was in there when I put the filter back on

. Kinda funny, but man was it irritating.
I may still have a picture, but it would take some digging.
Found it lol. Just like it belonged there

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