Surely - but my main point was that there are 16 oz in one pound, not 10.
And I think you can guess my main point... that 11.9 lbs is quite a bit off the 12.5 lbs mark. So, I guess you would also say that 11.33 lbs is even less than 12.5 lbs...
Surely - but my main point was that there are 16 oz in one pound, not 10.
You are right Niko, but since I can't get a 560xp, I don't usually think of that one. :msp_sneaky:
Jonsered make the 560xp for the US market for now.
I know, but already bought a 562xp......and love it! :msp_biggrin:
Jonsered make the 560xp for the US market for now.
Actually, the saws (2260) are made at the Husky factory - where all decent or better Jonsered saw has been made since at least as far back as 1990. :msp_wink:
The process started in 1982, with the 630 and 670.
I was referring to the model marketed in the US. We all have known for a long time now that Husky have bought our the Jonsered name...
Jesus yer a pain in the ass today.
Yeah well I have 3 tanks through a new 261 and I have say I'm not super impressed so far unless it wakes up after a few more tanks. It's not even in the same universe as my 555 with pretty much the same weight. It's up for sale as I will buy another 555 or a 550 if it sells. If not I hope it gets better!
I love my 254xpg. I have the opportunity to buy a 262xp in very good condition. The guy baught it in 2000 and said he has only cut about 20 cord of hardwood with it. For the condition of the saw, it looks like he is telling the truth. He was asking $250 but said he will take $200. I have never run one and I'm wondering if they are a true step above the 254. Can anyone give some first hand knowledge of the performance difference in the two, and if they handle as well or better.
Well Geez, someone HAS actually heard of the 555? :msp_w00t:
The lack of an XP label, and rev boost, contributes to this saw being overlooked by most people. It really is a great saw for the reasons you state. The 562 is a bit quicker, but your comparison is the one that is more telling. In addition to the weight being close, what about the price? I'm not sure what the price of a MS261 is, but I'm guessing they are not that different. I sell the 555 for $550, which probably beats most Stihl dealers 261 prices by a fair amount.
I guess so, but it doesn't really matter that you and I know, as a lot of people that don't will read this thread.
Wes, I have weighed quite a few 346s. Most weigh 11.33lbs, but I have seen three or four that were 11lb 7oz. I have not been able to see a difference in the saws, but it is not a scale error. I regularly use my scales to weigh boxes for postage, and my scale is always within .5oz of the PO scales. I also have checked mine against the PB postage meter at work and it is within a couple .1's of an ounce using a 10lb dumb bell. I also know that all saws are "clean" and drained. There might be an ounce of gunk, bar oil, and fuel in the lines, combined, but it is a very close weight.
The problem with this statement is the 555 aint no ms261
The problem with this statement is the 555 aint no ms261
When you gonna put a 261 555 560 et al on a scale, bud?
Ugh... my stomach is killing me. Alkaselzer and coffee for breakfast...feckin Guinness...
Yeah well I have 3 tanks through a new 261 and I have say I'm not super impressed so far unless it wakes up after a few more tanks. It's not even in the same universe as my 555 with pretty much the same weight. It's up for sale as I will buy another 555 or a 550 if it sells. If not I hope it gets better!
Just tripped over this old thread and couldn't help noticing that no-one had answered your question.What were the differences in the SE vs the XP?