I've been hoping that hanging around with Mark would bring me out of my shell!:msp_scared:
If getting drunk is getting out of your shell, then I guess hanging with me does it.

I've been hoping that hanging around with Mark would bring me out of my shell!:msp_scared:
Here is that little degassing station I threw together!
Not fancy but it works for now.
I would say REDNECK engineering at it's finest. Even if it's from a yankee......
Well DANG that is great news!
So if I ever learn to play that damned thing there might be hope for me yet!
I did pick up a little Craftsman 2.5 Turbo (Poulan 2500) today. Needs a sprocket, fuel system renew, and cleaning but compression is very good and overall a nice little piece.
Does anyone think it will pull a 7 pin lo-pro on a 16" bar (with a proper muffler mod of course)?
Here is that little degassing station I threw together!
Not fancy but it works for now.
Thats an awesome set up Mark.
I usually dump my 2 stroke fuel in my walk behinds 2 gal tank. But that came to bite me in the a$$ 3 nights ago. I guess there must have been some crud in a few of the tanks of fuel I dumped in. The fuel was fresh but I dumped it either to store or ship the saw.
I was using the mower at a yard I do and it started running choppy, then died which really sucked cause I was at the bottom of the banking. It seemed to be starving for fuel so I pulled the fuel line off at the carb, nothing. Then I pulled it from before the filter, still nothing! There was a blockage of crud lodged just before the filter in the fuel line, Easy fix at least!
Thanks for posting this set up!
I did pick up a little Craftsman 2.5 Turbo (Poulan 2500) today. Needs a sprocket, fuel system renew, and cleaning but compression is very good and overall a nice little piece.
Does anyone think it will pull a 7 pin lo-pro on a 16" bar (with a proper muffler mod of course)?
If a man has never put three tanks of fuel thru a 5400 blocking firewood, he has never lived....
Anybody have any tylenoyl?
Just a little over 16lbs PHO was pretty light back then for 85cc....
It becomes ever so clear to me each time I head to the wood pile, that im no where near 20 years old anymore. LOL
In all honesty, that saw is as smooth as alot of the more modern 85cc and up saws, and a whole lot more fun to run. Just a wee, and I mean a wee bit slower.
Very little wee...
We timed one against Greggs Husky 385 in about 28" wood and the old 5200 was hot on its heals only about a second slower. That could have been chain or operator difference only as well....
Matter of fact, it had my PP655 looking over its shoulder....
That I do not doubt.
How many drivers this thing use? I havent pulled the bar and chain off of it yet. 24" 3/8. I can set up a nice 064/5400/066 comparo if they take the same links....
Ive been busting my hump trying to clean up the wood lot. I had wood all over the place needing cut/split/stacked, and it was all right in the way for the GTG. Still got a pile to do, and burn the two big piles. And I still gotta get saws ready. Im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind....
We have you on video and if I ever make it to a GTG you will have to teach me some of that good guitar music.
Yea, every year I get jealous of the guys that attend. Long way from Texas but some day I may just up and go. Hell I'm retired so what does a long drive mean to me.
Only a few things about the 202/306 get my goat.
2. The H&L carb. jets screws are buried behind the pull rope guide in a 'tunnel'. Plus, the L screw refused the line up with the hole in the carb. due to the casting interfearence. I fixed it with a rotary file in my drillmotor.:msp_biggrin: Geezers have enuff trouble seeing things out in the open.![]()