Nik's Poulan Thread

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Yea, every year I get jealous of the guys that attend. Long way from Texas but some day I may just up and go. Hell I'm retired so what does a long drive mean to me.

We're waitin' for you, Bob! Hell I ain't gettin' no younger. I usually go on Thursday and have a day to get used to the time change. :laugh: Your name came up at a little round table and several of us mentioned how we'd like to meet you. You've been very generous and helpful to a lot of folks on here.

I'm going from Louisiana......

Been waitin' on you to show up too, Randy. We'd all like to see you there as well.
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That I do not doubt.

How many drivers this thing use? I havent pulled the bar and chain off of it yet. 24" 3/8. I can set up a nice 064/5400/066 comparo if they take the same links....

Ive been busting my hump trying to clean up the wood lot. I had wood all over the place needing cut/split/stacked, and it was all right in the way for the GTG. Still got a pile to do, and burn the two big piles. And I still gotta get saws ready. Im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind....

In my opinion, where the 85cc Poulan's and the 69 & 77cc versions for that matter, really shine is with longer bars, and in big wood. Most will run a 30", I happen to use 28" :( I guess the torque factor, low end grunt shows itself, instead of chain speed.

As far as getting ready for a GTG is concerned. I know the feeling, lots to do and worry about. Seems you think about it, and are trying to get something done for a month. Then its here and over with before you know it. But, worth every second of it when the big day comes!!:msp_biggrin:

The bidding on these 'local pick-up only' auctions tends to be very low.

Brandywine, Maryland.

Craftsman Chainsaw 20" | eBay

Warrington, PA. I wonder if the seller could be forced to honor the "free shipping?"

Sears Chain Saw 20in Bar | eBay

I never could figure out why these "local pickup only" people don't just use CL instead of paying ebay's fees.

That has always puzzled me as well. I put some of the 'LPO' feePay listings on my watch list just to see what happens.
306A Ignition note.

This 306A I got running this morning has a Phelon breakerless ignition coil setup. The flywheel, clearly not original to the saw, is a Wico.

This evilbay carcass was a mutt from the get-go. No rewind mech., broken bar stud and missmatch on the ignition.

I believe that's an HS carb you speak of instead of HL.

Yes, Tilly model HS, the High & Low jet screws. Sometimes I shouldn't abbreviate..................................
We're waitin' for you, Bob! Hell I ain't gettin' no younger. I usually go on Thursday and have a day to get used to the time change. :laugh: Your name came up at a little round table and several of us mentioned how we'd like to meet you. You've been very generous and helpful to a lot of folks on here.

Been waitin' on you to show up too, Randy. We'd all like to see you there as well.

Thanks the kind words. I've learned from the guys on this forum. Great bunch of guys and I'm just returning favors provided to me.
Senior Moment

Guess I forgot what I have in my stable of saws. Saw a 3000 on Ebay and picked it up fairly cheaply($75). Was running my old saws just to have something to do and found I have two others!!!!!!!!!

Guess I forgot what I have in my stable of saws. Saw a 3000 on Ebay and picked it up fairly cheaply($75). Was running my old saws just to have something to do and found I have two others!!!!!!!!!


By golly a few extra 3000's are good to have around!!!
We are going to have to pool our resources and have a run of air filters made for that series.
They are just too good of a saw(s) for the filters to be NLA!!!

By golly a few extra 3000's are good to have around!!!
We are going to have to pool our resources and have a run of air filters made for that series.
They are just too good of a saw(s) for the filters to be NLA!!!


Not to mention all the other good saws those filters fit. I know I would like to have a few extra myself.
By golly a few extra 3000's are good to have around!!!
We are going to have to pool our resources and have a run of air filters made for that series.
They are just too good of a saw(s) for the filters to be NLA!!!


Aint that the truth.

Another truth is I'm still tickled that he had that brain fart and parted with that pretty orange 3000 from Canukistan! :msp_rolleyes:
Well I got the old Super 380 out (that was at the Poulan GTG last year). After the GTG Mark opened up the muffler a lot more and then I advanced the timing, used it a little and put it on the shelf.

Neighbor had a tree come down and I reached for the 380, fueled it, pulled the rip cord a few times and it came alive. Blipped it a couple of times and then pinned the throttle checking with the tach. 15,800, WOAH BIG FELLOW, I opened the high a little and it dropped to 14,200. Run 2 tanks through it and it looks like it's finally breaking in. It absolutely SPANKED a 262 tonight and scared the snot out of a stock 044.
Well I got the old Super 380 out (that was at the Poulan GTG last year). After the GTG Mark opened up the muffler a lot more and then I advanced the timing, used it a little and put it on the shelf.

Neighbor had a tree come down and I reached for the 380, fueled it, pulled the rip cord a few times and it came alive. Blipped it a couple of times and then pinned the throttle checking with the tach. 15,800, WOAH BIG FELLOW, I opened the high a little and it dropped to 14,200. Run 2 tanks through it and it looks like it's finally breaking in. It absolutely SPANKED a 262 tonight and scared the snot out of a stock 044.

I believe every word of that, I knew that saw had it in it. It really liked more muffler opening on it and can only dream of what some more timing advance did to it.
Should you happen to buy a 5200 or 655 could I get first dibs on the ones you find under your bench?

While we're callin' dibs on Bob's "forgotten saws".........I call dibs on any "forgotten" Poulan 8500, 4000, 5400, 7700, PP375, PP655BP ('chu didn't say BP mang), PP395, PP455, PP380, PP330, 3000, PP375, PP365......:jester:
While we're callin' dibs on Bob's "forgotten saws".........I call dibs on any "forgotten" Poulan 8500, 4000, 5400, 7700, PP375, PP655BP ('chu didn't say BP mang), PP395, PP455, PP380, PP330, 3000, PP375, PP365......:jester:

Well while you were deep into your wet dream, you forgot to add the 6900 to that list so I'll call Dibbs on that one. :ices_rofl: