Addicted to ArboristSite
Don't forget me
I'll be there for sure with a couple of poulans, I don't have near what I did.

I don't know what a table is worth, but you got a nice saw out of the deal.
Don't forget meI'll be there for sure with a couple of poulans, I don't have near what I did.
I thought I would post another video, its the same two saws 3700 & 380 as in the other one. I did it numerous times, pretty much same result each time. This one is zoomed in a little more, Heck, I know everybody likes video and pictures, I know I do..:biggrinbounce2:
Well you don't have to live here, you could always visit!!
I don't know what a table is worth, but you got a nice saw out of the deal.
I thought I would post another video, its the same two saws 3700 & 380 as in the other one. I did it numerous times, pretty much same result each time. This one is zoomed in a little more, Heck, I know everybody likes video and pictures, I know I do..:biggrinbounce2:
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="">
Gregg, just picked up a 3700 from Ebay that looks exactly like yours, i.e, black perforated filter cover. Also noticed it had a muffler with the side exhaust like the 4000. Interestingly it also had a flywheel similar to a 4000 but the recoil was a little differant in that it had two vertical metal spike protrusions. Is yours similar? Purchased the saw as it was advertised as having a sored piston and cylinder. However after pulling cylinder they both looked fine. Replaced rings and lightly scotchbrited P+C. Di a compression test and it hit 160 though I think some of that was from the 2 cycle oil I smeared in the cylinder plus gasket elimination. Anxious to get it running as cosmetically its in great shape.
Here's a Farm Pro 375 that I picked up on ebay.
Note the 4000 style air filter cover.
Slightly different style of muffler than most 3400/3700's.
Also, this for Bob & Gregg, is this the style of starter dogs and recoil you've been discussing? I noticed they were different from the style I've seen on other 3400/3700's.
I put my 4000 back together today. rebuilt carb, new gaskets om the intake new lines and filters. Set screws to 1 1/2 turns out. puled 3 times and it fired and ran good. then i idled it and it died. Couldnt restart, Fuel was dripping out muffler. What you think? metering rod not set right? I have doen a bunch of these and never had one issue.
Not sure what to tell ya Joe, you have done about as many of these as me,
I usually start at 1 turn out from seated. Usually works. But, fuel comming out of muffler sounds like a bigger problem, definately too rich. Metering lever sounds like a possibilty.
Whenever I run into stumbling block like that, I take the carb apart, reclean, and double check everything. Seems like the more I have worked on these things, the quicker you do it, and think ya got everything perfect, then ck and see ya made a slight mistake or missed something..
I'm sure you'll get it atraightened out in short order.
+1. In addition to metering lever possibly set too high, possibly the needle is sticking in the open position. I check this by closing Hi and Lo needles and doing a pressure test. If pressure holds use a small pick and gently push metering diaphragm down thru hole in cover. Pressure should drop slightly and hold when you release the pick.