little possum
Crash and Burn
We better get a pic of that saw cleaned up. Looks like it will clean up to look new.
Should clean up alright. The paint is faded a bit though. Im hoping for good results though.
We better get a pic of that saw cleaned up. Looks like it will clean up to look new.
Heres a few after the cleaning. I know I missed a few spots, but its better than it was. I think Im going to leave the rust on the bar though. SP wants it to look original and Im just not sure about cleaning it. I know I have some polish that will take most of the rust off, but the fine steel wool will pull the paint off.
Thanks Mike.
The color is sure growing on me
Thanks Joe, and Mark. I didnt get try to get it running yesterday other than putting mix in the carb. I had to go to work by the time I got done cleaning it.
And thanks for the hint Mark, I was thinking about pulling the cover off, but glad I didnt.
So today I was working on a 3400, same one that didn't run right with the bad carb. I vac tested it and it failed. The seals where good but the crank case leaked. I found after removing the gas tank the silicone was leaking out of the case. Same spot it failed. Now my question is what is the best way to seperate these cases? Can you seperate them the same as you do a Stihl? I found a thread Lakeside posted with using a piece of angle iron threaded into the bar studs and use a puller on the crank. Will this work for these saws too. I don't know why it wouldn't but I would hate to bust a case for not asking. This will be my first Poulan split.
It'll come apart pretty easily, or at least the few I've split did.
If you need to replace the fuel line you will have to remove that cover. Not that big a deal, just warning you to be carefull of that gasket.