I like 'em green
Nice! If it runs good I wouldn't worry about it. I haven't used my compression tester in two years. I used to check all my saws. Hardly do now.Definitely thin rings
Man this 4200 is starting to really frustrate me. After cleaning and putting a carb kit in I started it up today and it is still getting to much fuel and I can get it to idle. It sends fuel through the front of the muffler and even with the idle screw backed all the way off and the L and H screws set at 1 turn it still revs like crazy and turns the chain really fast. I don't know what do. I didn't replace the Welch plug when I did the carb kit, would that matter?
The saw may well have an air leak but I've never seen that cause fuel to puke out of the carb with the needles at 1 turn out.
I would say there's an issue in the carb.
Is the timing off?
If it idled and chain is moving, clean and check the clutch
Thanks I'll check it again too. I'll get it figured out one of these days, just been frustrating so far!