Took all the saws out today. I did the best ones first. Of Course! Gotta love a saw that will sit for a year, un-used and start within 7 pulls, run, rev and idle. Every one did.

Heres the Breakdown: 5 "green" Poulans, 6 Ctaftsmans, 1 Dayton, 1 Wizard
Front row Left-Right
S25DA SS 16", S25CVA Points 14", 2.1 Points 14", 2.3 SS 16", 2.3 CVASS
Back Row Left-Right
Wizard 306A SS, 245A SS, 4000 20", 3400 16", 3.7 18", 3.7PS 20", 3.3 20, 2.8 18"
<a href="¤t=saws654.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="¤t=saws655.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>