Nik's Poulan Thread

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Been toying with advancing the timing but haven't gotten around to it. I wonder if it makes that much a differance.

Most noticeable at WOT and depends on the model of the saw and what other mods have been done. The biggest gains in saws is the combination of various mods.
Like eliminating a base gasket, advancing the timing, doing a muffler mod, widening the ports a little, and so on. Not any one of those will make a huge difference but put them all together and bingo. Although I have noticed doing a muffler mod by itself has made some big differences in some saws.
I prefer the poulan 60cc saws too.

Ran them all day in the woods with a friend trading back forth. We both liked the poulan better then the cousin 262.

Mike has an above average running PP365 nice saws.

Did you build it.

They are also so easy to work on and modify. I think right now I have 3 of the Tim Allen 3750's, 2 of the 365's, and a 3500. I just really like those series of saws.
The other series I like are the 335's and I think I have 4 or 5 of those right now. I have also taken those up to the mountains for cutting firewood.

So you still have that awesome 5200 I see in your avatar.
The 5200 isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

No I didn't personally do any work to That 365, Mike did a little grinding and the squish was set, I had the chance to run it a bit and thought it had good power. I'm a fan of those saws myself, very simple design.

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Nothing wrong with that, the 262XP is a great saw.

That said, I have one and its been ported by Super3 but I can't tell you the last time I used it. I prefer a Super 380 or my PP365 as in the real world they will put as much wood in the truck as the 262 in a good day.

I just like the way the Poulan controls are laid out better and they just handle good to me.

And by the way Bob, you got any friends down in Houston?
No friends at all. see something on Craigslist?
I really want to find one of the tim allen 3750s
that or a 3450 Type 3 . same saw

That or build your own. Been doing that to 3450 saws.

If you like low tops and the other air filters used on the 365 etc. Take and build yourself one using large intake and carb. I know Roger 3000fps and myself has done this with 365's. I got some others lined up to do later too. Being I like the low tops the best.
I actually have a 336 pro that nees a total rebuild but i have a NOS piston and cylinder for it when i get the time. Is a 336 similar to a 365? It looks the same
Questions for the Poulan gurus. I bought a couple of 3500's last summer. One was a good solid machine starts great and runs strong. The other one I bought as a parts machine as the fuel tank was split wide open and it had been sitting for quite some time. My original plan was to use the parts machine to keep the good one going. But it has so much compression I have decided to put a fuel tank, carb kit, fuel lines, filter etc into it and get here going. According to parts tree IPL the 336 is supposed to use the same fuel tank. Part number 530069925. I bought a 336 tank on Ebay a while back and now have finally gotten some time to put her in and get this baby going. But I have found a difference in the two tanks and wanted your opinions. The original 3500 tank has an additional nub below the upper a/v mount witch the 336 tank does not. This nub fits loosely into the main housing and must act as a stop for the upper a/v. Is this difference because of the spring versus rubber upper a/v. If I use the rubber a/v will I be ok or should I look for a tank with the nub.

3500 poulan.jpg