Nik's Poulan Thread

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Questions for the Poulan gurus. I bought a couple of 3500's last summer. One was a good solid machine starts great and runs strong. The other one I bought as a parts machine as the fuel tank was split wide open and it had been sitting for quite some time. My original plan was to use the parts machine to keep the good one going. But it has so much compression I have decided to put a fuel tank, carb kit, fuel lines, filter etc into it and get here going. According to parts tree IPL the 336 is supposed to use the same fuel tank. Part number 530069925. I bought a 336 tank on Ebay a while back and now have finally gotten some time to put her in and get this baby going. But I have found a difference in the two tanks and wanted your opinions. The original 3500 tank has an additional nub below the upper a/v mount witch the 336 tank does not. This nub fits loosely into the main housing and must act as a stop for the upper a/v. Is this difference because of the spring versus rubber upper a/v. If I use the rubber a/v will I be ok or should I look for a tank with the nub.

View attachment 544342

Its hard to go by those IPL's unless you have all of them to keep up the changes they made.

That said, that tank you have now on your 3500 is like the one on my PP365 which is a later Type III saw. You will also notice it has the tank vent in the side of the tank, it has carb studs that come in from the back instead of brass thread inserts to use bolts through the back of the carb and your tank will also have a larger hole for the intake boot. Dose your 3500 have a type number on it? The larger hole in your original tank makes it easier to convert to the larger intake boot if you decide to do that.

That other tank is a older style, you will see the differences if you look closer and you will see what I'm talking about.

Forgetting the spring limiter nub I think you will also need the older style carb bolts, etc to use that tank. which I think would be better used with the rubber mount. One other thing is I think some of the carb screw grommets were tank specific too.

I have a brand new still in the plastic tank here just like the one you need. I wasn't looking to move it but I probably could be talked out of it.
Good catch! You mean the stud on the rubber a/v versus the screw in the spring a/v. It will be tight but I think I can slip it in there. (That didn't sound like I intended it to! Lol!)
Yea, the threaded stud on the rubber mount fits thru the hole in the case and the nut keeps it in place. At least that's how the Poulan 2700 thru 3300 cases work.
Thanks Mark. Your knowledge is amazing. Just like you said carb bolts are different configuration and carb hole is different size. The 3500 tank does say type three on it while the 336 tank says type one. I will send a pm about the tank. What are the chances you have a good clutch too.

Here are some pics. Including my boo boo of the day. (note to self. Be a little more careful when removing clutches.)
poulan 3501.jpg
poulan 3502.jpg
poulan 3503.jpg
Hey @Modifiedmark, i was gonna put the crank seals in my 5200 today but i run into a snag i ordered national part number 471466, one of them is correct however the other has the correct i.d. and o.d. but the width looks to be .375 (3/8) instead of .250 (1/4). Will either side of the 5200 accept the 3/8 width, or do i need to track down another .250 one?
Hey @Modifiedmark, i was gonna put the crank seals in my 5200 today but i run into a snag i ordered national part number 471466, one of them is correct however the other has the correct i.d. and o.d. but the width looks to be .375 (3/8) instead of .250 (1/4). Will either side of the 5200 accept the 3/8 width, or do i need to track down another .250 one?

Huh, they gave you the wrong seal?

I don't remember if there is room for the wider one or not, maybe check the FW side and see if its deep enough. Don't think there is room on the clutch side.

I would take it back and have them get the right one..
Huh, they gave you the wrong seal?

I don't remember if there is room for the wider one or not, maybe check the FW side and see if its deep enough. Don't think there is room on the clutch side.

I would take it back and have them get the right one..

It clearly got boxed wrong bc the seal has a different number stamped on it. That or they figured the id and od was right so "itll ride"
The prices that saws commanded back in the 70's and into the early 80's was rather expensive when taking into consideration typical income. They are more affordable with today's earning potential. A couple of original receipts I have.

1976 Echo CS-1001VL $489.95
1980 Pioneer Farmsaw $316.95

An inflation calculator at the Bank of Canada puts those at $2000 and $900. With sales tax, those numbers grow to $2240 and $1008.

The one that really gets me is a 1976 dealer list sheet on Homelite that pegs the suggested retail price of the SEZ-AO at $239.95. $977.21 by today's standards. Before taxes.
Wow thats cool, alot of people dont know back in heyday poulan was a force to be reckoned with. All they see is i can buy a chainsaw where i get my groceries nowadays.
Yup the two at the bottom, ill take one of each please. Lol what slays me the most on there is the price on the super25s, ive had probly a dozen of those over that past couple years most were 5 bucks i think the most i paid was 12.50
Had a question for the poulan experts. Alot of the parts for a poulan 3300 will fit on a poulan 3450. Is the piston and cylinder the same if not will they work on either saw? Thanks!!