Gentlemen, I am proud to join you. A few minutes ago, a 90 pound Letter Carrier dropped off a 55 pound box of chainsaws, two of them were Green, one Yellow.
No time to take more than one pic and see if they were mostly intact, One pulls over nicely, the other doesn't, could be seized or recoil malfunction.
These are my only "modern" chainsaws, this should be fun, been interested in the 3400 ever since I ran Farley's. I will be expanding my knowledge here, thinking of making a good, zippy little saw between the pair of them.
Thank you drilldaddy
Welcome to the club!

Send me your email address and I'll send you some stuff for them.
Pretty easy saws to work on. In fact there about as easy as they get.
Just check and see if the P/C are any good and go from there.