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Good running 5200 Gregg. Love mine, though I don't get to use it much at all. I'm tempted to get a 4200 but doesn't seem practical when I have three 4000's.
I am three for three, both 3400s start on prime and the 10-10 runs well. The 3400 with the locked up starter, well I had a WTF moment, the entire recoil side was packed full of red clay mud dobber nests. I field stripped the recoil, cleaned, replaced rope and handle. tomorrow I will see if they can pull fuel from the tank. what little things can be done to get to all the zip they have?
Good running 5200 Gregg. Love mine, though I don't get to use it much at all. I'm tempted to get a 4200 but doesn't seem practical when I have three 4000's.
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I was looking at the 3400s muffler, took me a minute to figure out how it worked. after seeing all that sheet metal, I began to think about bolting on a Mac stack. Please point me to the details for opening up the mufflers, I hope I have don't weld anything. Since I have two, I'll keep one stock, play with the other one, sounds simple enough.
The difference in power between the 4000 and the 4200 belies the small difference in cc's.
It reminds me of the difference between a Chevy smallblock 400 and a 396. If you already have a 5200 you really don't NEED a 4200.
Anything a 4200 can do a 5200 can do better.
WANTING a 4200 however, is another thing altogether.
Well repainted and assemled saw. Was going to run saw but noticed a fuel leak in tank cover. Guess I missed a spot using a sealant. Will have to remove and start over. Also I don't think the chain sits properly in the roller tip. Still unable to open pictures in the post. Don't know why unless my Nikon transfer software is the cause. Sorry.
Well repainted and assemled saw. Was going to run saw but noticed a fuel leak in tank cover. Guess I missed a spot using a sealant. Will have to remove and start over. Also I don't think the chain sits properly in the roller tip. Still unable to open pictures in the post. Don't know why unless my Nikon transfer software is the cause. Sorry.
Great job Gregg! That 5200 looks to be pulling pretty good in that hard oak IMO. How do you think it compares to your 385 in terms of power and speed?
(just curious)
Got a couple questions for ya Mark.
Do you drill out some of those many holes in the center diffuser in the 5200 mufflers? or just leave them as they are?
And, I took the vent out, and cleaned a bunch of black goo out of that. I'm assuming that goo, was once a ck valve/duck bill valve? Hard to tell from the IPL just what it looks like. Seems to run fine without it.
Went to the Husky dealer down the road today to get a chain made, but were closed for vacation..So took a trip to the Stihl dealer, had him make me a 92dr. link .58 gauge RSC chain for my 28" Husky bar. Will use that on the 5200, instead of buying a new bar.
Hope to get a video of it running here one of these days.
Money ahead? I'm paying shipping only, works out to $20 each for the 3400s and a pretty good 10-10. Such deals are rarely so good. drill.daddy rocks!!!
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The Poulan 4200 is better than the Poulan 4000 in almost every way. More power, better oilier, better air filtration, clutch, bottom end, and anti-vibe. The 4000 may have a tad bit less weight to it.
Is that the original bar???
Some of those saws ran a .325 and a 9 pin rim if I'm not mistaken.
I was affraid you would ask a question like that John. LOL, Hard to compare them, I havn't run this 5200 very much yet. I guess the right way to do it would be to run them back to back.
I did a muffler mod on my 385 while back, and figured out how to get more adjustment out of the carb on there too. I put a new 30" bar on it also. It was running pretty well, last I used it.It turns allot more rpm than the 5200, thats
Some weekend you'll have to come out and bring some saws with ya. Maybe we can twist MoparMike & ModifiedMark's arms, to do the same.
Before the weather turns to crap, and everyone gets busy deer hunting.
Gregg, I ran your 385 and I think it will outrun a 5200 up to 24-28" stuff, but over that I think they would run about the same, at least they would be closer.
On the mini GTG just let me know, I'll be there if I can! Might be putting up a barn though....
Thats right! I remembeer you saying you was wanting to put up a new building. (to house your rapidly expanding collection) LOL
Thats definitely a want to get done job, before the snow flies.
I think your probably right on the 385/5200 comparison.
Mike the 306SA is the only one I have known to have that setup. Wildman just sent me a nice roller nosed bar that I plan on putting on this 306SA that I'll be tackling soon and its getting the original .325x9 setup on it. That is if I can find a .325 barracuda chain for it.
I had to look to see if his was a Power Sharp model though as the Dayton versions of the 245SA had a 404 setup on them.
Gregg question are you into graphic banner designs ?
can you do that type of work ?
Looking for someone who is good at design work for banner ads on the net
Is that the original bar???
Some of those saws ran a .325 and a 9 pin rim if I'm not mistaken.