67 Mustang- i replaced the reduction chain on my model 54 and it took a #35 mower chain, like what they used on karts.a mower shop can match it up, less than $10 as i recall.
Thanks Mark I'll give um another going over. I may know where I can get some of those I'll see what's up in the morning.
67 Mustang- i replaced the reduction chain on my model 54 and it took a #35 mower chain, like what they used on karts.a mower shop can match it up, less than $10 as i recall.
I followed your question from the milling forum. This Poulan thread is a monster and you may get more hits if you started your own thread. By the way, now that you are a member of AS you should go out and buy three more chainsaws and put that Poulan on your mantle as a conversation piece. Welcome!
I would just like to thank all you guys for the help on getting the 33s, and 71A going. Turtle the sharpening trick worked real good on the 71 but not so much on the 33. BUT they both went to the running rack today along with a 245 and a 3400 counter vibe. All in all a good day in the saw shop.
Congratulations Mark!!!
That pair makes me kinda jealous!
hello mark im new to the fourm just got done reading the whole poulan form all 300 plus pages and i really enjoyed reading your stuff and how your saws come out how you cleaned that lil red poulan rebaged saw was amazing and i will most likely read back through it a fewmore times i like joe 25das saws also i really like those old top handle saws i just modified my first muffler on an echo cs 3000 and it still dont bark anything like the old poulan i just got i love the way echos are dependable but man the older poulan brings a smile when i got it to fire really enjoy your posts as well as many others here!
Great matching pair, Mark!!! The 4.2 & 5.2I'm feeling like Mike a little..LOL
Yeah I hear you, I get jealous as well sometimes looking at others saws.
The best part of these is they were both reasonable! Guess the other chainsaw snobs didn't want a lowly Craftsman saw.
Just talked to a guy who has a 8500! But its not up for grabs.
He is going to have a 5200 and a 5400 up before long though.
I also just won that big lot of Poulan 306/245 parts on the bay! I'll have extras of some stuff that I will spread around if needed by someone else.