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Yep there's the problem!!!
Your top clutch shoe is on backwards. Thats the problem.
Wish I'da said that!LOL
Yep there's the problem!!!
Your top clutch shoe is on backwards. Thats the problem.
Your top clutch shoe is on backwards. Thats the problem.
Wish I'da said that!LOL
Wish I'da said that!LOL
Jeff I think I will disagre with you on this one. Those 306/245 saws rarely have crank seals leak that bad. In fact the way the FW side sits under the point box and the PTO side is sealed up under the oiler there almost double sealed.
From the OPs description about the way it ran, I would say that the shop didn't get that carb set right. The shop was probably not in tune with the fact that that HS carb is governed and probably had the H screw turned way in to compensate for that. That saw has to be tuned in the wood as long as that carb is governed.
To compound the problem, even though it was not running right the OP continued to run the saw.
So there you have it, I wasn't there but I'll bet money that those two things are what ruined a nice old saw. Sad to say that parts are getting extreamly hard to find for them as well. At least P/C's and such.
Well, thats why we usually wait for your opinion, my friend, not having one of my own yet (our 306a no sparky) and my 4000 awaiting more attention and $$, I absent mindedly used my experience on some other brands and may have missed the target. That said, I still would have the saw tested to rule those seals out, cause I hate buying/installing pistons and rings 2x. Next, i would remove the governor portion of the carb, or swap it out for another tuner friendly version. I'm sure it works well when it works, but so do the others. And as you and others said, its not the shops fault. Pull the trigger, saw runs faster, or the saw has to be fixed, no matter how old, no matter what it takes, it will take more to fix it if you choose to keep running it. And you will have to fix it at some point, so choose wisely.:jester:
No Jeff, if my thoughts are right on the cause, then the shop defintaly is at at least part of the fault. If the governed carb is to be set right it has to be in the cut to do it. But I did say the "2" things and the other was the continued running of the saw when it should have been taken back into the shop for some further tuning. Or he could have came here sooner for advice as well.
Why no spark on the 306? There pretty straight forward. Is it a points system or electronic?
Clay, The clutch goes back on in this order. There is a washer that goes on first. Its probably an inch or so wide. The bearing slides over the shaft. Then the sprocket goes on open side out.Then the big washer looking thing, clutch back plate. There is probably marks on it, where the springs rubbed on it. Then the clutch threads on, left hand threads, with the springs to the inside.
Something in your pic look amiss??
Bob, Steve's diagram is a pretty good one. The line from tank, goes to carb inlet. The line from carb to primer bulb, goes to the (suck) side of the bulb.
Then a line (return) from the bulb back to tank.
With no lines on the primer, you can easily tell which side sucks, and which doesn't.The idea is for it to (draw) fuel through the carb, and back to tank.
Good lookin 4000 DaveAnd it only took one beer to get it cleaned up, you must work fast.
Nice saw your son has there too, He would fit right in here on the Poulan thread with that Craftsman.
Gregg, question for you and/or Steve. Rebuilt carb and it holds pressure so I believe I'm okay there. Problem is I don't believe carb is getting gas. If I unhook the fuel line from the carb and pump the primer bulb, fuel comes out of fuel line. I took carb off and the same thing happens. I assumed from both your thoughts that hooking the suck side of primer bulb to the carb (top barb) would draw fuel from the fuel line via the carb. That being said how am I able to pump fuel out of the fuel line if there is no carb? I've hooked up the lines per Steve's diagram. I might add that hooked up there doesn't seem to be any fuel coming from the tank when I pump the bulb. Unhooked from carb fuel flows. Is it possible that the fuel line goes to the top inlet on the carb? I'm fishing as I have no experience with primer bulb saws.
Off the bench right now, Mark, so can't tell you. Thinkin points. The OP's carb isn't common, and the saw isn't, not even seen one around here (I would keep it, though, if I could). Now relax, but I'm giving the shop a pass because he continued to run the saw. Its hard to fault the doctor if you still have pain, and you don't let him know, and then fall over dead. Yes, we all expect things fixed right the first time, I get you need to cut at times, and going back is a pain and more expensive, but...
man you just got way to many Poulans.....
How many 3400's can you run at the same time?
People gunna think you have to have that many Poulans
to have one one that runs when you need it. You best send
all those extra saws to me for safe keeping.....opcorn:
you got it bad...he he
I only have 3 wild things but only 2 of them are the same...![]()
the 8500 is one ugly saw. The decal is all scratched up and the air filter cover is plastic! I couldn't in good faith pass that on to anyone......
What was Poulan thinking when they built this thing....plastic.....Poulans are built of Metal!