I got a quick question guys. If some of you that were alive in the 80s(im to young) could remember, how many loggers actually used poulans? Were they popular like Mac, Homelite, Stihl, Husky, etc. Or were they kind of a outcast when it came to real logging?
Im talking exclusively about the 3700,4000,4200, etc.....
You know Clay I am fully qualified to answer this question because I was around in the 80's and the 70's and the 60's and JUST missed the 50's!!!LOL
It depended on where you were in the country.
Around here Mac was probably #1 followed closely by Poulan and Homelite in that order.
Depending on which dealer was really strong in a given community.
In central Kentucky there were several really good Poulan dealers and there are literally thousands of Poulans everywhere but not a lot of the bigger ones.
The 306, 3400, S25 series and the micros are in every barn, garage and smokehouse in the country.
I had one uncle that was a Mac NUT. If it wasn't black and yellow you couldn't sit it down on his farm. (Until the Remington Mighty Might Bantam but that's another story)
Another uncle in the same community SWORE by Poulans and had an old sand cast Poulan that holds the record still as the loudest saw I've ever seen.
As you went further south the saws got bigger and Poulans were very popular in Tennessee and Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.
In other parts of the country the Poulans were practically non existant.
As a side note when I was a boy, I remember hearing old men (to me at the time anyway) saying how they would NEVER own one of them "damned German saws after all of the good boys of ours that they killed in the war"!